Slugs and fighting with them

Slugs and snails are one of the most malicious pests of our gardens and vegetable gardens. If the weather is hot and dry, then you can not see slugs: they hide in secluded dark and cool places. But on rainy days or at night, when dew falls, slugs come out of their shelters and attack the garden, eating all the greens that they find on the way. Sometimes they destroy under the root of the entire aboveground part of the plant.

However, any living creature in our ecosystem is assigned certain roles, and not always negative. Slugs, for example, are also important gardeners and gardens: they process the remains of plants damaged by other pests. Therefore, measures to combat slugs in the garden and vegetable garden should be gentle and sparing. First of all, it is necessary to strengthen the plants themselves, limiting the access of pests to weakened crops. Let's find out how to fight slugs in order to prevent them from destroying our landings.

Slugs and basic methods of fighting them

1. Competent gardening - the best preventive measure against slugs. It means the use of various techniques to improve the structure of the soil, the right choice of plants, garden hygiene, the attraction of birds, lizards, frogs, hedgehogs for natural control of pests in the garden and garden. Also, for preventive maintenance, competent rotation of crops and suitable neighborhood of plants is used. Strengthened through such measures, plants become more resistant to diseases and attacks of garden pests.

2. Physical barriers. To prevent slugs from moving around the garden and the garden, special devices are installed, various substances are scattered. It can be:

3. Electrical control of slugs. Today in the garden centers are available for sale various copper rims, ribbons or other material. When contact slugs with copper they have a shock and cross such an obstacle they will no longer be. In addition to copper sold various rims on batteries. They are also used to deter molluscs.

4. Biological struggle with slugs and snails. Parasitic nematode is a means for biological control of slugs. You buy these microorganisms, dilute them with water and water the plants you need. And during the week, all slugs will die. The action of the nematode is particularly effective in wet weather.

5. Phyto-control for slugs. Slugs and snails try to avoid such spicy plants as garlic , lavender , sage, thyme, laurel and some others. Of these plants, infusions are produced that repel pests.

6. Chemical control. Effective tools from slugs in the garden include granules of methaldehyde, which attract and then kill these pests. However, this drug is dangerous for people and pets.

7. If you pour plants with an aqueous solution of caffeine , it will also help to get rid of these mollusks.

We have considered several ways how to get rid of slugs. Choose any one of them, and let no pests enter your garden.