Growing seedlings without land

On what tricks only gardeners can not get strong and healthy seedlings! For example, it was from their light hand that many ways of growing seedlings in the home without the earth appeared: on toilet paper, in bottles and even plastic boxes.

Advantages of growing seedlings without land

To begin with, let's define, what for in general to grow up seedlings in such an unusual way. The fact is that quite often young, only sprouting from the ground, the sprouts become a victim of a black leg. At a more respectable age, this attack of seedlings is no longer terrible. The causative agent of a deadly disease lives in the ground and it is quite difficult to get rid of it. At the first stages of germination and development, the plants have a sufficient supply of nutrients in the seed and do not need soil as such. Therefore, growing seedlings without land allows you to achieve several goals at once: protect sprouts from damage with a black foot , save space and immediately weed out weak and nonviable plants.

Growing seedlings without land on toilet paper

Among the many possible variations, the most widely used method of growing seedlings without land, called "Moscow". It requires strips of polyethylene with a width of 10-15 cm, toilet paper and a trimmed plastic bottle. Cultivation of seedlings is as follows: two layers of toilet paper are laid on polyethylene strips, between which the seed is uniformly distributed. Lay the seeds at a distance of 1-1.5 cm from the edge of the paper, keeping between them intervals of at least 3-4 cm. After that, the "bed" is gently and abundantly moistened with a spray, and then covered with another strip of polyethylene. The next and very important stage of the sowing works is the folding of the "bed" into a roll, which is then installed in the cropped plastic bottle in such a way that the seeds are on top. At the bottom of the bottle water is poured (about 3-4 cm). After about 7-10 days, the first sprouts begin to peel from the roll, and after 14 days, its top is covered with seedlings. On this landless phase of growing seedlings ends, since after the formation of two real leaflets it must be urgently sent to grow into a greenhouse. For this purpose, the roll is carefully unfolded and the strongest sprouts are transplanted into the seedling box along with the rest of the toilet paper.