Pain in the knee - treatment

Having felt the pain in the calyx of the knee, the first thing to be done is to visit the doctor, to prescribe the necessary examination and the appointment of therapy. This is necessary because, the causes of pain syndrome in the knee joint are many, and they have different nature, therefore, treatment is required in each case.

Treatment of pain in the knee joint

Complex therapy consists of several parts.

Pain relief

This can be done with the following drugs:

They not only help reduce pain, but due to the anti-inflammatory effect, swelling will be removed.

Prolonged aching pain in the knee and under it will help to remove compresses:

These remedies are symptomatic treatment, easing the pain, but they do not remove the cause, so she will definitely return.

Conservative treatment

Especially in order to relieve pain in the knee and at the same time treat the causes of its occurrence, such ointments have been developed:

If there is no possibility or desire to use such drugs, you can use folk recipes. A very effective warming and analgesic effect has an ointment made according to this recipe:

  1. Take 150 grams of dry mustard and camphor oil and mix with each other.
  2. Whisk the 3 egg whites, add to the mixture and mix well.
  3. This ointment is applied overnight to a sick joint and wrapped in a blanket or woolen scarf.

Operative intervention

Based on the results of X-rays and other tests, sometimes there is a need for an operation, to eliminate the cause of the pain. Do them only after swelling or swelling subsides.


Small physical exercises aimed at restoring mobility, strengthening the muscular corset or improving blood circulation, also perfectly relieve the pain. Improve the effect by using simultaneous sessions of therapeutic massage. But in this way you can do harm, if you do not strictly adhere to the prescription of a rehabilitation doctor. In this case, it is better to slowly and slightly increase the load.

Compliance with diet

With pain in the knee, nutrition is very important for effective treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to add vegetable, vitamin-rich food, fish and seafood dishes to the diet.