Avamis or Nazonex?

Rhinitis is the most common otolaryngic disease. Constant nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing cause considerable inconvenience. Modern drugs Nazoneks and Avamis are used to treat edema of the nasal mucosa in a number of diseases. Indications for use of both pharmaceuticals are:

Quite often patients are facing a choice: Nazonex or Avamis - which is better? Which drug to choose for therapy? Let's find out how Nazonex differs from Avamis, and where there are fewer side effects.

Avamis and Nazonex - what is the similarity and difference?

Intranasal sprays of Nazonex and Avamis are produced by Western companies. Avamis is a drug produced in the UK, and Nazonex is imported from Belgium. Both that and another medicine are hormonal means, therefore the question on their application is finally solved by the doctor. In this case, the specialist determines the dosage taking into account the age of the patient and the diagnosis given to him. As noted above, indications for treatment with drugs are similar, but Nazonex has the advantage that it can be used for preventive purposes.

Answering the question, what is the difference between Avamis and Nazonex preparations, let's pay attention to existing contraindications to the application. Thus, Nazonex is not assigned to children under the age of two. Contraindication to the use of Nazonex spray is also fungal, viral and bacterial infections of respiratory organs.

There are fewer contraindications to the use of Avamis. But they are no less serious. So, the spray is not recommended for use to people with impaired liver function. But during pregnancy and during feeding, doctors often prescribe Avamis, because it is considered a more gentle means. With renal failure, it is also undesirable to use Nazonex, while using Avamis is permissible.

Cost of drugs

Comparative analysis shows that the cost of sprays does not differ much. On average, Avamis costs 20% less. In this regard, when choosing a drug, we recommend to take into account the presence - the absence of contraindications to the use.