Fortune-telling for money

There were financial difficulties and it is not clear what to expect next, then use fortune-telling for luck and money, which will let you know when the black bar ends. There are several different techniques that have their own characteristics and rules. To start guessing is necessary only if you have complete confidence in obtaining a truthful result, and for entertainment you should not try to predict the future.

Fortune-telling on cards

Due to the simple layout it will be possible to find out about the financial situation in the near future. For this divination, you need to take a regular deck of 36 cards and mix it well. It's important that you do not use it previously for the game, since guessing is untrue. Predicting your future is best in complete solitude and silence. Part of the mixed deck move your hand to yourself. Lay out nine cards in front of you, count the suit and proceed to the interpretation of fortune telling and wealth:

It is important not to use fortune telling too often, the optimal time is once a month. Otherwise, the cards just stop telling the truth.

Fortune-telling fortune telling

This fortune telling can be called a kind of ritual, which is best done during the new moon or full moon. It is necessary to prepare one coin for each denomination. They should be thoroughly washed, so that they shine, and then, folded into a small bag of natural tissue, which you need to make your own hands. Put the pouch under the pillow for the night. Return to divination is necessary the next day in the evening. Put a red candle on the table and a bowl filled with cereal. Take a bag in your hand, shake it and ask a question of interest concerning the material sphere. Put the coins in a bowl and mix everything thoroughly. Close your eyes and remove a handful from the bowl, putting everything in front of you. After this, you can begin to interpret fortune-telling with money:

  1. Coins of small denomination are a warning that you need to keep track of your spending.
  2. If coins of medium dignity are caught, it means that the guess-worker will spend a small amount of money for pleasure.
  3. Coins of high denomination - this is a good sign, which indicates that you can expect to receive a large amount.
  4. Coin of the greatest dignity means that soon the financial situation will increase substantially.