Aglaonema - home care

Care at home for a gentle, original flower Aglaonema will not bring great difficulties to growers and lovers. However, you need to know some of the features of this plant to always enjoy the bright green of the leaves and flowering in the warm months.

The flower of Aglaonema (the birthplace of India) is an evergreen plant very similar to dienenbachia. It differs in its bushiness, narrower leaves and prolonged flowering, Aglaonema has small yellow-white flowers collected in the inflorescence - the ear.

Aglaoname varieties

There are several varieties of this delicate flower:

How to care for the Aglaonema?

The plant itself is quite thermophilic, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight (leaf burn is possible). Do not put Aglaonema on drafts and places where its existence can poison tobacco smoke.

Good artificial lighting can replace Aglaunaea natural. That is why such a flower can be grown at home and in the office, decorating the interior in any part of the apartment. Take care of clean air and keeping the temperature at 20-25 degrees, and Aglaonema flashes its painted leaves.

As for watering, Aglaonema loves moisture. In the summer and in the spring do not forget to water the flower, in winter do it less often. Remember that excessive humidity will lead to rotting of the root, so stick to the golden mean. Be sure to stand water before watering.

Care at home for Aglaonema will also require her transplantation with a frequency of approximately every two years. Start an Aglaonema transplant in the spring or summer and do not forget about the gloves that protect the skin of your hands. Aglaonema juices can irritate the skin. The soil for aglaonema must necessarily pass air and moisture, be loose enough. In ordinary leaf land, add humus, peat, charcoal and sand.

Reproduction of Aglaonema

The best time for the reproduction of Aglaonema is spring. It is then that the cuttings are cut off from the plant, they are cut off sufficiently low to the base and planted in a tall pot, which is necessary for the development of the root system. The adult plant is usually grown in a low pot. Water a new flower, but do not allow excessive moisture.

Diseases of aglaemones

Brown tips and twisted leaves speak about air or soil too dry for aglaonema. Check the primer and try to sprinkle the leaves. Look, is not it worth the Aglaonema in the draft, is the air temperature in the room low?

If the Aglaonema yellow leaves, pay attention to the water for irrigation. Perhaps it's the high chlorine content. Another reason may be insufficient lighting. However, with excess light, the leaves begin to fade and lose the characteristic pattern.

Gray rot (gray coating on the leaves) is another type of Aglaonema disease. The cause may be low air temperature, poor ventilation and high humidity.

With improper care, pests that damage the Aglaonema can multiply. Do not run the plant, be sure to rinse it under a warm shower and use special tools.

Adhering to the above tips, you will rejoice in the love of life and brightness of the flower Aglaonema, home care for which boils down to the main rule - not to allow excessive overmoistening of the earth, drafts and cold air.