Spring work in the garden

Spring is the time of awakening of nature and at the same time the beginning of trouble for the gardener, after all it is necessary to prepare everything for the coming planting. Let's look at what you can plant in the garden in the spring, than fertilize the land on which you plan to plant the later crops.

The beginning of the season

Find out that you can already start planting all kinds of greens, radishes, onions , garlic in spring, you can by the temperature of the air. If in the daytime the temperature is kept within 5-10 degrees with the plus mark, and at night it drops no lower than -5, then it means that it is possible to sow in the open ground of the culture given above. In no case can seeds be soaked before planting, because if the temperature falls below zero, then, most likely, they will not sprout. After the soil warms up in the spring sun more thoroughly (minimum +10 in the afternoon and around zero at night), it is possible to sow carrots, peas, lettuce. But this is only a drop in the sea, spring work in the garden planting only these cultures are not limited. The remaining land for a good harvest in the future should be thoroughly fertilized, we'll talk about this later.

Ground preparation

Preparation for the future planting of the garden in the spring must begin with soil fertilization. Specialists consider this time to be the most favorable for applying both organic and mineral fertilizers or their mixtures. From organics, the best way to soil fertility is affected by compost. It must be prepared in advance, and scattered around the garden about a month before the digging and planting of crops. Mineral fertilizers for the garden in the spring are no less important, but they need to be taken very carefully. It is necessary to know the exact dosage and adhere to established standards. Particular attention should be paid to phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, they must be brought in immediately before digging the garden. In this case, most of the substances necessary for the normal development of plants will be located at a depth that is accessible to their roots. To dig a garden should be such that the fertilizer granules were in the ground at a depth of about 20 centimeters.

Spring is a time of trouble for farmers and truck farmers. It should not be missed in any case, because the timely harvesting of certain crops and the fertilizers applied to the soil will directly determine the yield obtained.