Orchid - care, transplant

Orchid is a very delicate flower, because it is very demanding to the conditions of its content, and this concerns, first of all, caring for it and transplanting. But, despite this, many growers grow it at home.

In this article we will consider the basic rules of care for a home orchid (on the example of phalaenopsis and mini phalaenopsis ), as well as transplantation and reproduction.

Basic care for a home orchid

Accommodation - the capacity, where the orchid will grow, must be transparent. For this, glass or plastic pots with a large number of holes are suitable. Ready soil for planting flowers can be purchased at a flower shop. It consists of dry bark, sphagnum moss , expanded polystyrene and activated carbon.

Temperature regime and lighting - it is very important to put the pot with the flower correctly. It is necessary to choose a place with good lighting, otherwise it will not bloom. But you should not allow too intense light. Otherwise, the leaves will turn yellow or become covered with brown spots. The optimum temperature for the content is: during the day +18 to + 27 ° C, and at night - +13 to +24 ° C. If the temperature regime is higher than normal, then it should be watered more often, and if lower - then less often.

Watering and humidity - in order to water an orchid, you should put the pot in warm water for 10-15 minutes, and then drain all the liquid from the substrate. In summer or during the period of active growth, the release of peduncles and flowering, this procedure is carried out once a week, and in winter, in the resting phase, after flowering, 1 time in 2 weeks. The optimum humidity is 60-80%, if the air is drier, then you can put the flower on a special container with gratings. And in a hot period orchids can be sprayed, but it is recommended to do this in the morning.

Feeding - once a month you need to make specially designed for orchid fertilizer. In the period of rest and in the cold season, the number of fertilizing is reduced.

Transplant - spend 1 time in 2-3 years. The need for this procedure occurs when the plant leaves become wider than the pot. It is recommended to transplant after the orchid has rested from flowering or at the very beginning of a new growth cycle.

Reproduction. After transplant, care for the orchid is that you can increase the amount of this plant at home. It can be carried out in various ways: by division, by cuttings, by side layers, by children, by seeds. The choice of method depends on the type of flower and on what kind of orchid you need to get (the same color or any other).

What do you need to transplant an orchid?

For transplantation and care of a room orchid one should follow the rules:

  1. Without damaging the roots of the plant, we remove it from the pot. You can even just cut a plastic container.
  2. Carefully shake off the old soil, trying to remove as much of it as possible.
  3. With a disinfected tool, we cut off the dried, damaged and decayed roots, and then we process the sections with potassium permanganate or activated charcoal.
  4. We take a pot 2 sizes larger than it was, pour new soil on its bottom, put the flower in a container, fill it with the rest of the fresh substrate and press it lightly. But it must be taken into account that the point the growth of the orchid (its apex) should remain uncoated and lie just below the rims.

Orchid care after flowering

After the flowers bloom, it is necessary to cut the completely dried flower stem and let the plant rest. If the trunk is not withered, then there is a possibility that new flowers or babies will appear on it. In this case, you should continue watering and feeding.

Aftercare care

After purchase, care for the orchid is to transplant it into a new pot, in a thorough examination of the roots of the plant and, if necessary, in their pruning. After that, you should pour a little soil and put the flower in a shaded place for 5-7 days.