How are anorexics thin?

In the modern world, the ideal of beauty is harmony. It can be noted that the cult of the body has recently developed. Some girls are so addicted to this that they go to extremes and begin to lose weight too actively. Anorexia is a terrible disease, so we are obliged to recall the negative consequences. So, today you will learn how to lose weight anorexic.

How are anorexics fed?

The diet of an anorexic is rather scarce and practically devoid of vitamins and essential nutrients. As a rule, anorexics use certain products not more often than two or three times a week.

What do you eat anorexic?

Basically, the anorexic menu includes vegetables and fruits . The recommended number of calories consumed per day for anorexicles does not exceed 500. The fewer calories, the less weight will be. Losing in this way, girls increase the amount of fluid consumed: green tea and coffee without sugar accelerate metabolism. Water can quench your thirst, give strength and briefly deceive the feeling of hunger.

Many anoreksichki try to keep a diary of food, write down everything that they ate during the day and conduct regular weighing.

If you are thinking about becoming anorexic, think about what harm to health can be done. Anorexia is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Apathy, depression, weakness, mood swings, nervous breakdowns and fainting.
  2. Dysfunction of the body and various diseases of organs.
  3. Nausea, constant vomiting, rejection of food.
  4. Hair loss and teeth, pallor, protruding bones and an unmarried figure.

Think about whether this is so beautiful, as some imagine.