Burning fat with soda

We are all children. Only this can justify our impeccable belief that there is still somewhere this miracle a remedy that will help you lose weight instantly and without applying any effort. That's just necessary to find this tool and then everything in life will improve! The next "victim" of our searches was the burning of fat with the help of soda. Let us look at this method with a sober mind and a clear gaze.

Soda breaks down fats

Soda washed dishes, it is more correct to say - washed. Once the soda coped with the fat on the dishes, then it must cope with the fat inside us. Everything is logical. However, there is a small "but": the dishes were washed (and washed) with soda ash, and you burned your own fat with a simple soda, that is - baking soda. From the chemical point of view, these are two different things, and if baking soda does not help burn fat, then an attempt to drink the calcified (which the dishes are washed) can be wedded to a hospital bed.

How does the body react to soda?

Soda has an alkaline structure, in the stomach for digestion of food, an acidic medium is necessary. If you drank a solution of soda, the acidity of the stomach decreases, and he can not digest food. When asked how soda burns fat, we can not answer you, since soda is localized in the stomach, and fats are mostly absorbed in the small intestine. After taking soda, you can actually lose weight, or exhaust, because food and, accordingly, energy will not be absorbed, like vitamins, and any other useful substances.


It is very difficult to calculate the required dosage of soda. Regular and excessive consumption will lead to sores on the esophagus, regular bleeding, a violation of gastric acidity and simply an eating disorder.


The most safe way for local fat burning is a bath with sea salt and soda. The work and purification of the lymphatic system is accelerated, the pores are cleared, subcutaneous fat is excreted. This procedure is dangerous only for diabetics and patients with cardiovascular diseases.

Effective fat burning

Either way, and the most effective fat burning (tested over the years) is physical activity. Running, aerobics, swimming, jumping rope. Do not engage in the hundredth opening of a bicycle, refer to proven methods and lose weight patiently and honestly, without miracles, but at high energy costs during training. In the burning of fat will help fitness, or any other group workouts. This will be useful not only for your figure, but will also provide support to like-minded people losing weight during the heavy process of parting with excess weight.