Guarana - what is it and how to take guarana for weight loss?

To be healthy means to be truly rich. Often nature itself gives us hints how to live happily and rejoice at each new day, forgetting about our old diseases. Such people's physicians everywhere is not so little. Guarana what it is and what it has medicinal properties try to find out.

Guarana - what is this?

Every biologist and lover of the world of flora knows that guarana is a curly liana of the genus Paulinia. In the wild, it grows in the Amazon part of Brazil and Paraguay. Sometimes the plant can be found in Peru, Venezuela and Colombia. Brazilians grow a vine in the states of Amazonas and Bahia. Its characteristic external differences are large leaves and bundled flowers. The seeds of this plant resemble coffee fruits.

Guarana - Properties

This amazing world-famous shrub has useful properties. Not only folk, but traditional medicine speaks about what makes each human body's gurana stronger and more enduring. It is used:

Guarana extract - what is it?

Guarana is commonly referred to as dried biomass, which is obtained from the seeds of a growing vine in Brazil. After processing the husk of seeds can partially fall into the finished product and at the same time gives it the taste of bitter chocolate. Guarana extract is very popular due to the content of caffeine. It can be called a true source of vitality, which has become an ingredient in food, sports supplements and medicines.

Guarana Extract - Action

Many of us are interested in the effect of guarana on the body. Not everyone knows that this popular plant in the world is an excellent aphrodisiac and is capable of:

Guarana - good and bad

From the use of the extract of such a popular shrub as guarana, the benefit is significant:

  1. The plant can remove from the body excess fluid and toxic substances.
  2. The antioxidants contained in the vine help to get rid of the signs of aging and during the development of tumors.
  3. Due to its special properties, it increases the working capacity, which is very important during physical exertion.
  4. The plant helps to improve mood and even helps to overcome depression.
  5. The extract helps improve the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. It improves the activity of the heart, lowers cholesterol, stimulates blood circulation and improves the condition of blood vessels.
  7. It can have a positive effect on the work of the intestines.
  8. Helps reduce appetite.
  9. The metabolic processes in the body are accelerated.
  10. Helps the body to become sturdier and more spirited.
  11. Helps to overcome hangover syndrome.

In some cases, the shrub can be even harmful to human health. If you abuse the addition of guarana, side effects may be:

Guarana for losing weight

Many representatives of the fair sex dream of owning a luxurious figure and for this they make a lot of efforts. However, some beauty secrets are available to every lady. People with overweight had to hear what guarana is and they know about its benefits. Often apply guarana extract for weight loss, thanks to which it is possible:

However, it is important to remember that it is possible to become slimmer only by applying preparations based on a popular plant in combination with physical loads and a balanced diet. If you follow all the recommendations soon will please results - in a short time you can lose up to five extra pounds, and this is already a small but significant victory over yourself.

Guarana - how to take for weight loss?

Those wishing to find a beautiful slender figure had to hear that guarana fat burner is excellent. The extract of its seeds can be bought in pharmacies or in shops where it is sold in the form of tablets, liquids and ampoules for single use. It is important to know how to drink guarana, so that the effect is stunning. Ampoules are recommended to use for half an hour or an hour before the start of training. During this period of time the drug is absorbed and begins to exert the necessary effect. On average, the dosage for each day is 500 mg to 1000 mg. The drugs are used until 5 pm.

Guarana in the sport

For every athlete is very important is the right energy food, which can facilitate the path to success. In the modern world, guarana for athletes is one of the best natural remedies that can restore strength after physical exertion. What is Guarana is known to all sports-loving people. With its help increases physical activity and increases the expenditure of calories during physical exertion.

A popular shrub throughout the world contributes to a good work of the heart. Comparing its effect and coffee, it can be argued that it can have more positive effects on the human body. With the help of the plant extract, the metabolism is accelerated, excess toxins and liquid are eliminated. Sports nutrition, in which guarana is present, is an excellent start to the day for each athlete.

Guarana - dope or not?

Often leading the healthy lifestyle of people and anyone who wants to seriously engage in sports is wondering whether the use of bush extract is a dope. Experts argue that guarana in sports nutrition is safe, and therefore using it you can not be afraid of doping control. Its use is compared with the use of a drink from chicory, which is very useful for the overall strengthening of the whole organism. Hence it can be concluded that in the athlete's diet, the plant has a beneficial effect on the body and is not an obstacle to reaching the heights in the career.

How to take guarana before the competition?

Many people who lead a healthy lifestyle know what Guarana is for in sports. The known preparation on the basis of a curative plant is issued both in a liquid kind, and in powders or tablets. It is not so important in what form it should be taken, dosage is of great importance. One-time dosage should be 1500 - 2000 mg of active ingredient. The liquid must necessarily be packaged in the same doses or even slightly smaller.

A certain effect can be felt after applying 1000 mg at a time. Before the competition it is recommended to take no more than 4000 mg. A sports drink of guarana is taken with caution, otherwise pressure and pulse can jump up sharply. There are times when athletes take 8000 mg at one time, as a result of which the state of health deteriorates sharply and there can be no question about any competitions and trainings.

Guarana - contraindications

Many know what guarana is, but not everyone is interested in its contraindications. Food additive guarana is harmful: