Manchurian nut is its good and bad

In the Khabarovsk Territory, and also on the Amur, the closest relative of the walnut grows - the Manchu nut. This light-loving plant, which, unlike its kind, is not afraid of frosts. If a man is interested in the Manchu nut, its usefulness and harm, then one should turn to folk medicine, where this plant is widely used.

What is this nut?

What is the Manchurian nut, the useful properties and contra-indications of which are the subject of consideration? It is a fruit, 80% consisting of a shell, inside of which is a very tasty nucleolus, saturated with fats and useful trace elements. On the question whether it is possible to eat a Manchurian nut, the answer is unequivocal: not only can, but still it is very tasty and useful!

Application in folk medicine

Manchurian nut is widely used in folk medicine as the strongest antimicrobial agent. It is also known for its antifungal and anthelminthic effect.

Decoction of leaves helps with various skin diseases, for example eczema, as well as with ordinary wounds, with angina , stomatitis, with intestinal frustration (in the latter case, take the broth should be inside). Baths with bark of this plant also help. They are effective for rheumatism and skin diseases.

Oil of Manchurian nut is very effective for various skin diseases. It has a disinfectant and wound-healing effect.

Nut kernels, which have a pleasant taste, are used for recovery after illness. They contain valuable oils. Of particular value are immature, still green nuts, rich in nutrients and vitamin C. Those who live in the Amur region and other places of growth of this tree, collect a green manchurian nut, jam from which is very tasty and useful and in no way inferior to a jar of walnut .

To make this jam, you need to peel off 100 grams of nuts and boil it in 500 ml of water for 15 minutes. This procedure is repeated 5-6 times, but with new water. After that, the nuts should be washed and left in water for 6 hours. Then you can add nuts, kilo of sugar and a few pinch of vanillin. Cook until done.