Spring water is good and bad

Beneficial to the human body are many water - this is mineral, and thawed, and magnetic, and schungite, and so on. But the most attention deserves the spring water - pure, crystal, healing and, indeed, life-giving.

Benefits of spring water

A positive moment that is important to take into account when discussing the benefit or harm of spring water is that it passes through the natural filtration through gravel and sand before reaching the surface. Such purification does not allow water to lose its medicinal properties, to change the structure and hydrochemical composition. Thanks to this, the answer to the question is whether it is possible to drink spring water without additionally cleaning, the answer is positive.

Different springs have different healing properties, and therefore the composition of the spring water differs. For example, water from one source helps in the fight against hypertension and arrhythmia, has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Other springs establish the work of the liver and kidneys, and also help to cope with migraines . Still others establish blood circulation, relieve of infectious diseases and various kinds of skin rashes.

Damage of spring water

The use of spring water for the human body is unquestionable. But, unfortunately, there are springs, water from which can provoke many serious diseases. This is due to the fact that near the source may be landfills or industrial enterprises, because of which the body can get dangerous elements to the body together with water - lead, nickel, chrome, nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, mercury, cadmium, arsenic, radionuclides, bromine, lead, cyanides, herbicides.

In addition, the use of spring water in this case is doubtful because of the content in it of various bacteria, colibacillus, oil products and many other harmful substances that can provoke the most serious diseases.