How many calories are in the boiled rice?

Rice is especially popular in eastern cuisine, a vivid example - sushi and rolls. Among our population croup is also a favorite, it is used for cooking various garnishes. As more people adhere to proper nutrition, the question of how many calories in boiled rice is of interest to many.

To understand how useful croup, just look at people whose diet is based on its use, for example, the Chinese or Japanese. Find complete people among them is almost impossible, still these people are famous for their longevity and excellent health. All this is explained simply: calories in boiled rice are at a low level, and vitamins, minerals and other substances in it are huge. There are several types of rice, each of which is useful in its own way for a person.

The number of calories in rice and its weight loss benefits

If you want to get rid of excess weight, then give your preference to brown rice. Since such croup contains a large amount of fiber, which contributes to a faster saturation and cleansing of the intestines from the products of decay. Let's answer one more important question - how many calories are in the finished brown rice. The energy value of 100 g is 110 kcal, for comparison, in ordinary white rice, which is less useful of all species, contains 116 calories. As you can see, the difference is not significant, however, "utility" depends not so much on calories or their absence, how much on what carbohydrates we use, simple or complex. So, white rice refers to simple carbohydrates, has a high GI (glycemic index) and calories, which are not burnt in time, are stored as fat. Brown rice - the exact opposite of white - is a complex carbohydrate that saturates for a long time and has a low GI. Also do not forget that when you add sugar, oil, milk, calories to the boiled rice, the dishes are increasing.

Due to the rich composition of nutrients, boiled rice has the following properties:

  1. Croup has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.
  2. Involves the wall of the digestive tract, which is especially important for people who have been found to have an ulcer or gastritis.
  3. Contains rice in itself lecithin, favorably affecting the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Brown rice helps reduce blood sugar, which is important for diabetics.

How to use for weight loss?

To date, there are a large number of diets based on the use of boiled rice. Often use a fasting day on rice , which allows you to cleanse the intestines and at the same time lose some weight. You can also just replace one of the main meals with a portion of boiled cereals, which will also allow you to achieve good results while maintaining a balanced diet.