Products that reduce cholesterol

To protect yourself from the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to include in the diet foods that reduce cholesterol . Statistics say that when the body is saturated enough, the cholesterol level falls by 30%.

What foods reduce "bad" cholesterol?

Cholesterol is divided into useful and harmful. It is proved that the first one helps in the creation of new cells, and the second one disrupts the blood circulation, creating "blots" on the walls of the vessels and leads to atherosclerosis. The main culprit is considered the search for saturated fats, which are, for example, in butter, pork fat, fatty meat, by-products and other products.

There is food that cleanses the blood vessels of cholesterol:

  1. Carrots . Using 2 orange vegetables a day for two months, the cholesterol level is reduced by 15%.
  2. Tomatoes . Just 2 cups a day of freshly squeezed juice will provide you with a daily dose of lycotene, a special pigment that is a "cholesterol antidote".
  3. Garlic . It is useful due to the alliin, it is he who is responsible for the specific smell of the vegetable.
  4. Nuts . A sufficient dose to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol is the use of 60 g of these foods that reduce cholesterol. Curious patterns were established at the time of the study, the more cholesterol in the body, the higher the effect.
  5. Peas . The consumption of 300 grams of processed vegetables throughout the month will save you from a quarter of the total cholesterol.
  6. Fatty fish . Omega-3 acids perfectly fight this problem.

What products can reduce cholesterol:

  1. Almonds and peanuts.
  2. Olive oil.
  3. Different seeds.
  4. Avocado.
  5. Salmon is red or sardines.
  6. Berries.
  7. Grapes. Due to resveratrol the amount of good cholesterol increases, and the bad decreases.
  8. Oat flakes and whole grains.
  9. Beans and other soy products. Easily replace meat, the presence of fiber helps lower cholesterol.
  10. White cabbage. Useful in any form in an everyday diet of 100 grams.
  11. Varied greenery.
  12. Vegetables and fruits.

What foods reduce cholesterol?

If harmful cholesterol is found in your blood, you need to start fighting with it to prevent the formation of plaques that disrupt blood circulation. Products that help lower cholesterol should be included in the daily menu.

  1. Oatmeal and other cereals - due to fiber, which is in the flakes, bind cholesterol already in the food tract, do not allow it to penetrate into the blood.
  2. Fruits are natural antioxidants, fighters with cholesterol. The apples will remove harmful substances, the pomegranate will clean the walls of the vessels.
  3. Berries - protect cells from cholesterol and free radicals. Lean on grapes, blueberries and strawberries.
  4. Nuts - monounsaturated fatty acids will help maintain a normal level of cholesterol. The daily rate is 50 g.
  5. Legumes - contain fiber , B vitamins, folic acid and pectin all this will perfectly clean the body and give strength.
  6. Seafood - sea fish with the help of iodine and fatty acids will not give any chance to plaques. Thrombi perfectly removes sea kale.

Remember the pledge of health is sports and healthy eating. What products will help reduce cholesterol we already know, now let's find out how to provide the body with additional help in this fight.

What you need to do to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood:

  1. Control of body weight. It is proved that every 0.5 kg increase the level of cholesterol by two times. The correct diet contains 75% of vegetables, fruits and cereals and only 25% of dairy products and meat.
  2. Reduce to a minimum the consumption of fats. Replace red meat, cheeses, butter with fish, poultry and olive oil.
  3. Love olive oil, it includes monounsaturated fat, which is very useful for the body.
  4. Reduce the number of eggs eaten. Dietitians allow 3 pcs. in Week.
  5. Do not allow the development of atherosclerotic changes, stick to the diet all the time.