Vitamins for women after 50 years

Researchers found that in the second half of life, vitamins are no less important than in childhood. Moreover, vitamins for women after 50 years are simply vital, although it seems to many that quantitatively their need may slightly decrease, as the metabolism at this period of life is somewhat slower than it was ten years ago. For this reason, the body takes more time to assimilate those nutrients that come with food.

However, as practice shows, vitamins for women are especially needed in 50 years. In this case, their reception should not be reduced, but, on the contrary, increased.

Why increase the intake of vitamins?

The age in question is marked by the restructuring of the female body, in connection with his entry into the climacteric period. Life problems, the physiological features of a woman associated with a monthly loss of blood and nutrients during menstruation, as well as childbirth and abortion - all this after 50 makes itself felt, and the woman begins to rapidly lose not only beauty, but also health.

  1. The skin becomes much thinner and drier, which leads to its lethargy and flabbiness.
  2. Broken, lifeless and nascent are the nails.
  3. Good vitamins for women after 50 years are also necessary because the hair from shiny and fluffy gradually turn into dull and brittle.
  4. The bones also become less strong: porosity appears, which means a tendency to fracture and osteoporosis .
  5. Changes are also observed in the mental state: women are often more irritable and nervous; they have joint diseases, gait is broken.

Consumption of vegetables and fruits is not able to provide the body of a 40-year-old woman with the necessary quantitative and qualitative amount of vitamins, which means that a vitamin complex is needed. However, an independent random choice of vitamins is unlikely to give a positive result. Effective intake of vitamin preparations will only be provided if they are recommended by a specialist. This is important because uncontrolled reception can lead to an overdose and instead of use to cause health problems, unlike vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and can not cause harm to health.

What vitamins are needed?

To take vitamin preparations should be approached sensibly and selectively, that is, to understand what vitamins to drink after 50 years.

  1. Vitamin D , which must enter the body not only in the form of a drug, but also in the composition of consumed foods. The daily norm is 2.5 μg. Its reception improves the condition of teeth, nails, hair, prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis, facilitates the climacteric state. It is found in oily fish, mushrooms, chicken yolk, caviar, dairy products.
  2. Vitamin K "helps" in the work of vitamin D in restoring the condition of nails and hair, strengthening tooth enamel. In addition, its presence affects the level of blood clotting, it also has a positive effect on the work of the intestine. Present in beans, sweet pepper, spinach and cabbage broccoli. Some of its quantity is available in meat food. A day for normal activity of the body requires about 90 mg of vitamin K.
  3. Vitamin F , which includes polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, regulates blood cholesterol levels, helps to get rid of edema, promotes healing and rejuvenation of skin. Has a positive effect on the state of the reproductive system. Contained in all vegetable oils, fish oil and avocado. Women after 50 years of age need 10 mg of vitamin.

In addition, reception of complex vitamins for women after 50 years is shown, such as Tsi-Klim, Vitrum Zenturi, Undevit, Alphabet 50 plus. However, the dosage, composition and frequency of admission should be determined by the doctor.