Nonalcoholic beer - harm or benefit?

Today on the shelves of shops you can meet many different types of beer, among them there is also non-alcoholic. Get it in 2 ways: either the drink is not allowed to cheer, or alcohol is removed from the finished product. Many are interested in whether alcohol-free beer is harmful or beneficial to the body and whether it differs from alcoholic options.

What is the use of beer?

When you use a non-alcoholic version of this drink, the body receives all the beneficial substances that are contained in barley malt. The composition of this beer includes a large number of B vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium and other substances. It is proved that a frothy drink quenches thirst better than water. The benefits of nonalcoholic beer are proved by experiments conducted on mice. They showed that non-alcoholic beer strengthens immunity and increases the body's resistance to the negative effect of carcinogens.

Negative side

Despite the benefits of beer, he also has harm, for example, the caloric content of one 0.5 liter bottle is about 150 kcal. Therefore, using regularly such a foamy drink you can gain extra pounds. In non-alcoholic beer, cobalt is used as a foam stabilizer, which negatively affects the work of the heart, and also provokes the development of inflammatory processes of the stomach and esophagus. Any type of beer has the ability to reduce the production of testosterone in men and activates the production of women. As a result, men appear tummy, chest increases and the pelvis expands. For women, this can lead to hormonal failure. With the use of any type of beer, the risk of developing cancers increases. In addition, non-alcoholic beer is addictive and a desire to increase the degree.