Children's pool

Bathing children in the pool is a unique way to not only entertain the child, but also to strengthen his immunity, relax the muscles and get acquainted with other children. Record a child in the pool can be at any age - up to a year, at 2-3 years old or after 5 years.

Swimming pool for children up to 1 year

You probably know that in his prenatal life the baby develops in the aquatic environment. That is why the first swim in the bathroom can be safely arranged already from the third week of the life of the baby - just as the umbilical cord will heal. If you decide to conduct such exercises, do not pull with this: after 2.5 months the memory of the prenatal period is erased, and the baby can be scared of water. In this case, the pool for small children should be postponed to 2-3 years.

If you practice early swimming at home, you can safely give the child to the pool at such an early age. It is proved that the crumbs floating from early childhood have better health, develop faster and cause less trouble for parents, because they eat and sleep well. The benefit of the pool for children of this age is that the kid not only adapts to the surrounding reality at an accelerated pace, but also manifests the first attempts to communicate with other children. Having come to the pool with a crumb of "antisocial" age - up to six months - you will be surprised at how your child reaches out to children and even seeks to compete with them.

Of course, at such a young age, the crumb does not attend classes on its own, so you need to find a pool for children with parents, where they take early swimming courses for the mother and child.

Swimming pool for children 2-3 years old

At this age, children are often afraid of water. More precisely, at first they are afraid to go into the water, and then do not want to go out. To at this age to attach the baby to swimming, you do not need to force him and force him to do something: you need, on the contrary, to have fun games and splashing around so that he will forget about his fears.

If the baby refuses to go into the water, remind him about the sensations that he received in a dry pool for children (now they are practically in any game room in large shopping centers). Such associations can help overcome reluctance.

However, the training of the child can be provided to professionals: write your baby to classes in the pool for children. There he will observe the actions of other children, and it will be much easier for him to overcome his own fears. In addition, at this age the child is very drawn to communication with other children, and he will be very happy to make friends in the courses.

Swimming in the pool for children from 5 years

At this age it is already possible to give the child to the swimming section, where the baby will be taught to swim in different styles. By the way, if it turns out that your crumb has the ability to swim, it is from this moment that you can begin to climb to victories in competitions of various levels.

If you do not want the child to become a professional swimmer, you can find classes that practice exercises for children in the pool - for example, children's aqua aerobics.

By the way, from the same age it is possible, if necessary, to find a pool for disabled children, in which specialized classes for the harmonious development of the baby will be held.

What do you need in the pool for a child?

The pool requires certain things, without which either will not be allowed to sail, or you can easily catch a cold after it. So, what you need for the pool child:

By collecting the baby in this way, you can not worry about his health and equipment.