Bran for weight loss

Lose weight is not always easy. It is necessary to deny yourself in many ways. However, it is good, if the process of losing weight is limited only to the infringement of their nutritional needs. Most often it harms health. This is due to the consumption of all kinds of drugs, dietary supplements, tablets. Even diets themselves often have a negative impact on health - lead to beriberi, metabolic disorders and other troubles. But in our time, nature makes it possible to lose weight profitably. It's possible, you just need to pay attention to the useful bran.

On the benefits of bran

The bran itself is a shell of grain. Usually flour used for baking bread is carefully sorted, and such impurities are considered to be waste. While their benefits to the stomach are simply invaluable. What are they useful?

Bran for weight loss

Bran is used for weight loss due to the considerable benefit for the stomach. Their influence on the body in terms of weight reduction can be divided into three components:

  1. Bran helps to lose weight already because they create saturation effect. Fibers are not absorbed, but on the contrary - swell, creating a feeling of satiety, persisting for a long time.
  2. Another useful effect is to reduce the absorption of calories coming from outside, that is, reducing the calorie content of foods.
  3. Also bran favorably affect the intestinal microflora, increasing the number of beneficial bacteria.

There are several types of bran that can be used to lose weight. Depending on the flour, they are divided into rye, oat, rice, wheat, buckwheat, millet. Any of these species can be eaten. However, many people are wondering - how to take bran for weight loss?

Before you include bran in your diet, remember the following:

  1. Bran is a natural product that does not require any additives. Perhaps a combination of bran with natural ingredients, such as dried fruits, jams, berries and fruits, or sour-milk products.
  2. One of the main mistakes is the complete replacement of the dish with bran. It is impossible to eat only bran, it will lead to disruption of the intestine.
  3. At first, it is advisable to consume bran in pre-cooked form, and already with time you can add to food and dry bran.
  4. For an adult, 30 mg of bran is sufficient per day. Of course, everything depends also on weight. But excessive consumption of bran can also hurt the stomach.
  5. When you use bran, you must adhere to a rational diet, avoid fatty and fried, support the body with vitamin products. Also, do not forget about additional measures for weight loss, such as exercise.

How and what bran is right to decide for you. However, it is worth noting that their properties vary. The best known are wheat and oat bran.

Wheat bran is recommended for beginners. They have a light form, are easily digested, swell quickly, have a not too fibrous structure. There are no special restrictions on how to take wheat bran. They can be added to cereals, yogurts, and also to pour them with kefir, or milk. Wheat bran are rich in vitamins of group B and are a source of potassium and phosphorus.

Oat bran is distinguished by a more fibrous structure. You can switch to consumption of oat bran after wheat, but it should be done gradually, listening to the body's reaction. Oat bran contains vitamin B2, F, as well as calcium and magnesium.

How better is bran to achieve the most positive effect? At first, it is better to limit the use of steamed bran as an additive. Usually, bran is steamed in hot water until they reach the consistency of the porridge. In this form they are most suitable for beginners. Subsequently, you can go to dry bran, which you can add to yogurt, porridge, mixed with yogurt and dried fruits. This is not only useful, but also delicious.