What is vitamin D?

For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs vitamins and trace elements. Among them is vitamin D. The organism produces it by itself under the influence of sunlight, but when it is not possible to stay in the sun for a long time, it is important to know what vitamin D is in order to be able to fill its deficiency.

Thanks to this vitamin strengthens bones and teeth, improves the growth of muscle mass, normalizes blood pressure. In addition, vitamin D takes a direct part in blood clotting and thyroid function, it helps to strengthen immunity and prevents the formation of cancer cells.

Where Vitamin D Contains: List of Products

Vitamin D is found in large amounts in products of animal origin and in fish (in 100 g):

What foods of plant origin are rich in vitamin D?

  1. Greens and herbs, for example parsley, mint, etc. They can be used as spices and add to various dishes and drinks.
  2. For vegetarians, it will be useful to know that vitamin D is found in mushrooms that can replace animal products.
  3. Vitamin D can be found in vegetables, for example, in potatoes, cabbage, etc.

In addition, it is found in oils: creamy, sunflower, olive, corn, sesame, etc.

Helpful information

  1. Daily it is necessary to receive up to 600 IU of vitamin D.
  2. If every day to spend time in the sun, then the necessary dose is reduced by 2 times.
  3. Products that contain a lot of vitamin D , you need to properly prepare:
  • If the body lacks vitamin D, then you can use special drugs that are sold in pharmacies, but before you buy them, consult a doctor, since an overdose can be dangerous to the body. The best option is fish oil, which can be consumed, both adults and children.