What kind of vitamin is found in garlic?

Healing properties of garlic were noted by people in ancient times, evidence of this reached the present in the earliest written sources. The teeth, which have a sharp taste and smell, were used as a seasoning, as well as as a cure for a variety of diseases. Today, the benefits of this plant are proved by scientists who discovered what vitamins, minerals and other useful substances are contained in garlic.

Ingredients of garlic: vitamins and other substances

Bulbs of garlic contain vitamins C , B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, D and PP, but their number is not too large. However, in young shoots and leaves of garlic, the content of vitamins, especially C, is much higher, and also there is vitamin A, which is not present in bulbs.

  1. B group vitamins , which are found in garlic, improve metabolism, work of the gastrointestinal tract, regulate the endocrine and nervous systems, participate in blood formation and cell renewal, and have a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. Vitamin B9 - folic acid - is necessary for pregnant women for normal fetal development and strengthening of immunity.
  2. Vitamin C , which is a part of garlic, effectively strengthens the body's defenses and helps keep it in tone.
  3. Vitamin E is an excellent antioxidant, improves cellular respiration and prevents the appearance of blood clots.
  4. Vitamin D provides a mineral metabolism, improves bone growth, helps the absorption of calcium.
  5. Vitamin A helps to avoid cancer and protects cells from free radicals, thus contributing to the preservation of youth.
  6. Vitamin PP participates in metabolic processes of proteins and fats, strengthens blood vessels, stimulates the work of intestines, stomach and heart.

Specific taste and smell of garlic is due to the presence of volatile compounds containing sulfur in it. These compounds give the plant the strongest antibacterial properties. In total, garlic contains a very large number of elements, including potassium, phosphorus , magnesium, iodine, calcium, manganese, sodium, zirconium, copper, germanium, cobalt and many others.

How can I use garlic?

In the spring garlic, thanks to the vitamins contained in it, helps to fight with vitamin deficiency, strengthens the immune system. If you add cloves of garlic to heavy and fatty foods, it will help to avoid the processes of fermentation in the intestine. Those who suffer from constipation, doctors recommend 3-4 cloves of garlic daily. To avoid thrombosis, to reduce high blood pressure, strengthen blood vessels, get rid of harmful cholesterol, doctors also recommend eating garlic daily. Garlic juice is often used for skin diseases, fungal infections, insect bites and other skin problems.