Phosphorus in the human body

Phosphorus in the human body is an indispensable element, without which most processes can not pass. Let's figure out what effect the human body has on phosphorus:

From the listed functions it is clear that the role of phosphorus in the body is very important and indispensable. Every day an adult should receive 1600 mg of this substance, for pregnant women the dose is almost doubled, for children - 2000 mg, and for nursing mothers it is 3800 mg.

Many or few?

When phosphorus in the body is not enough, such symptoms may appear: weakness, decreased appetite, a change in the psychological state, and pain in the bones. This may be due to: insufficient intake of it into the body, chronic diseases, poisoning, alcohol dependence, problems with the kidneys, as well as problems with the thyroid gland. When there is an excess of phosphorus in the body, urolithiasis, liver problems, as well as the appearance of various skin diseases and bleeding can occur. This is due to a violation of the exchange of phosphorus or from the fact that you eat a lot of canned food and drink lemonade.

The benefits of phosphorus are invaluable, but let's figure out what products it contains. It is abundant in seafood, and especially in fish, as it is found in dairy products, eggs and caviar. As for plant sources of phosphorus, these are legumes, nuts, carrots and pumpkins, as well as cereals, potatoes, seeds and mushrooms.