How to dry chanterelles at home?

Each zayedlomu mushroomer is familiar with the problem of harvesting the excess of collected fruits. On how to dry chanterelles in the home in various ways, we will tell in full detail in the following material.

How to dry mushrooms chanterelles at home?

Let's begin with the general rules of selection of fruits for drying, and also existing ways of preparation. First, take whole, strong and healthy fruits, without rotting. Before drying, clean mushrooms from dirt with a dry cloth or brush. Wash chanterelles, like other mushrooms, before drying and even cooking should not be, because they absorb a lot of moisture, in the manner of a sponge. Depending on the size of the fungus, it can be divided into parts so that all pieces are ready at about the same time. The legs are always cut off, but only the hats are dried.

You can prepare mushrooms in the sun, in the oven, in special dryers and even on batteries, during the heating season.

How to dry chanterelles in the sun?

The most natural, but at the same time the most prolonged is the way of drying mushrooms in the sun. Please note that the cooking period should be chosen so that all the time the weather is dry and sunny.

Mushrooms should be laid on the net or stretched gauze, making sure that the mushrooms are not in contact with each other. To insects do not sit on the mushrooms, cover them with a layer of gauze on top. Set the grid on the most sunny place and hold it until evening. With sunset, leave the mushrooms in a dry, well ventilated place.

Drying will take at least a week. After seven days, check the mushrooms: if they are dry, but spring when bending and do not break, then they are ready. The undried mushrooms are left on the sun further, because during storage they easily mold.

How to dry chanterelles in the oven?

The most affordable is the way of drying in the oven. Mushrooms are laid out on parchment or foil so that they do not come in contact. You can use a couple of baking trays at the same time. Chanterelles are left at 50 degrees for 2 hours, while not completely closing the oven door, but leaving a small gap for the exit of excess moisture. After, the temperature is raised to 60 degrees, leave the mushrooms for another hour. After an hour's time, chanterelles begin to check, dried mushrooms are removed less, the rest is left to dry.

How to dry the chanterelles in a microwave oven?

With the help of a microwave it is impossible to prepare a lot of mushrooms, but this method will do, if you decide to deal with a small part of the remaining stocks.

Prepared chanterelles are laid in a suitable for cooking in microwave dishes and left at a power of 180 watts for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the excess liquid is drained off, and the mushrooms themselves are left in the oven for 5 minutes with the door open, allowing the moisture to evaporate. The procedure is then repeated completely as many times as necessary for complete drying.

How to dry chanterelles in an electric dryer?

The easiest way to uniformly and qualitatively dry the fungi involves using an electric dryer. The scheme here is the same as for the oven, only thanks to a special design the moisture goes out faster. Mushrooms are placed in the device, left at 50 degrees for 3 hours, then cooled to warm and dried at 60 degrees. The drying time depends on the size of the fungi, the age and time of collection.

Some dryers are equipped with a special regime for mushrooms. When it is available, drying takes between 7 and 8 hours.