Can I masturbate during menstruation?

According to statistics collected by sexologists on the basis of a survey of female representatives, only 30% of all women experience orgasm during sexual intercourse. This fact explains the popularity of such a phenomenon as female masturbation.

So according to all the same statistics, about 50% of all women aged 18 to 60 years are constantly and regularly engaged in self-gratification. In this case, the means by which they give themselves pleasure, are diverse: from the fingers of one's hands to the stream of water. Quite often, girls are interested in the question of whether it is possible to masturbate the shower with menstruation.

Is it always possible to masturbate and not harm health?

Leading experts, sexologists argue that such an occupation is not harmful to a woman from a physiological point of view. However, if a woman does not have a permanent partner, then frequent masturbation can lead to problems on the part of the psyche, i.e. a woman will simply cease to perceive and desire the male sex.

Also, quite often women think about whether it is possible to masturbate during menstruation and whether masturbation affects this process.

As such, there are no contraindications for this kind of training during menstruation. However, in this case it is necessary to take into account and hygienic rules. In addition, according to one popular Western publication, masturbation during menstruation can even be beneficial to the body.

Thus, it has been proved by research that it is self-satisfaction that helps to cure restless legs syndrome (increased activity of the limbs, mainly during sleep).

As for whether it is possible to induce monthly masturbation, theoretically this is possible, but in practice this is not observed.

What is useful for masturbation for the female body?

Having dealt with the fact, whether it is possible to engage in masturbation during menstruation, it is necessary to say about the benefits of this process for the body. So, first of all, masturbation improves mood. This is explained by the fact that when the state of orgasm is reached, the hormone serotonin is produced in the body, which is known as the hormone of "happiness".

In addition, periodic masturbation can improve sexual relations with a man. Such women, as a rule, know that they are more pleased with them and can tell their partner about their secrets.

Also masturbation can be used as one of the ways to relax and distract from constant stresses, overstrain. In addition to the above, many women argue that it is masturbation that allows them to cope with the severe pain that is characteristic of premenstrual syndrome.

Important is the fact that women who regularly engage in self-satisfaction during sex experience more vivid and intense orgasms.

How often can you masturbate a woman?

Thinking about whether it is possible to masturbate before the menstrual period, or at the end of menstruation, women rarely think about how to masturbate, how often you can resort to self-satisfaction as a substitute for sexual contact with a partner. It is this fact that worries most of the sexologists of the planet.

Thus, it was found that frequent masturbation can lead to the development of psychological dependence. This in turn leads to the emergence of the impossibility of achieving orgasm with the sexual partner.

Therefore, experts do not recommend resorting to self-satisfaction too often - no more than 1-2 times a week, otherwise the probability of development of the above problem is high.