How to distinguish between menstruation and bleeding?

Bleeding is a dangerous phenomenon that a woman can arise not only after the birth of the baby, but for a number of other reasons. Interrupted pregnancy, abortions, tumors in the uterus or ovaries, inflammation of the genitals, poor blood coagulability, stress, blood diseases, malnutrition, intoxication and infection. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is difficult for a woman to understand what is happening to her, because not everyone knows how to distinguish between monthly bleeding and lolochia.


Unlike the usual menstruation, the lochia lasts much longer after delivery . This postpartum bleeding, associated with the separation of the placenta from the uterus, lasts six to eight weeks. However, in the first days only the discharge has a bright red, scarlet color. With each subsequent day they brighten, acquiring the color of the sacred and decreasing in quantity. Despite such a length of blood loss, for a woman, the lochia is not threatened, since during the carrying out of crumbs, the amount of blood in the body has increased significantly. If the mother is breastfeeding, the prolactin hormone produced by the body prevents the maturation of the eggs. That is why menstrual periods are absent. But if with lactation for various reasons the young mother does not develop, then menstruation can begin. In this case, there may be bleeding during menstruation, that is, the lochia and menstruation are held simultaneously. If the monthly is excluded, and bleeding continues, there is a risk of anemia. That's why do not delay visit to a gynecologist in the following situations:

Monthly or bleeding?

To learn and understand how to distinguish bleeding from menstruation (before, during or after them), the following symptoms or signs will help:

In medical practice, the symptoms of bleeding in menstruation or in another cycle period are divided into menorrhagia (prolonged and profuse menstruation), metrorrhagia (spotting irregular irregularities), menometrorrhagia (irregular and prolonged spotting) and polymenorrhoea (menstruation, occurring 21 days after the start of the previous ones).

Any of the above symptoms is an indication that during the menstrual period you have started bleeding, that is, the monthly ones have become bleeding, the causes of which need to be clarified immediately!

There is another type of bleeding. When a fertilized egg is implanted (attached) to the uterus, pinkish discharge may appear. Understand how to determine the implantation bleeding in you or monthly, it's easy. Such discharges usually last only a few hours. It is extremely rare for such bleeding to last for a day.

It is obvious that it is very difficult to establish a correct diagnosis on an average woman. Folk methods, advice of girlfriends and medications that eliminate bleeding, but not its cause, can lead to the fact that women's health will be in jeopardy.