Inflatable beach ball

Among the inflatable toys for recreation on the water, along with mattresses and circles, beach balls are very popular. Their bright coloring is very popular with children, and the convenience of transportation and storage of such a ball distinguishes them from inflatable rubber models.

A beach ball is a toy not only for children, but also for adults. It will come in handy to someone who does not want to carry a heavy volleyball or soccer ball on the beach, but does not mind playing mobile games.

And now let's talk about what kind of inflatable balls for the beach.

Which beach ball to choose?

Choosing a ball in a regular or online store, it's easy to get lost in the variety of models. How to determine what ball you need? To do this, you need to know about the criteria for differentiating beach balls:

  1. First of all, they are different in size or, in this case, the diameter. The latter ranges from 40-130 cm. As you can see, the run-up is large enough, which means that you can precisely choose the ball of your size.
  2. The balls differ in design. They are transparent and color, monotonous and with bright pictures. Kids like balls with a picture of their favorite characters - it can be Winnie the Pooh, SpongeBob, Fairy Winx, etc. Some models are equipped with balls-rattles or inflatable fish, which are inside the transparent ball. A regular blue, green or red inflatable ball for the beach will appeal to adults or teenagers.
  3. The quality of large and small inflatable balls is difficult to overestimate. Everyone wants to get for their money a product from reliable, dense vinyl, preferably with a double seam. A quality ball must be resistant to abrasion, burnout and damage. This is important, since it is usually used not only for beach games, but also for swimming in the water. And one more thing about safety: the ball is not a lifeline, so never leave children who do not know how to swim alone on the water, even with an inflatable ball.

The most popular beach balls and other inflatable products from the manufacturer Intex.