Cranberry fruit is good and bad

Cranberry juice is famous for its medicinal properties since ancient times. There are a lot of recipes for this miracle drink. The benefits of cranberry juice are not in doubt, but the harm that it can bring is worth remembering.

What and who is useful for cranberry juice?

The benefits of cranberry juice were told by our grandmothers. Since childhood, the familiar taste, which is so refreshing in the summer heat, warms in the winter cold, and the vitamins contained in this tasty drink give strength.

So what is useful for cranberry juice? First of all, the content of vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals. The benefits of cranberry mors are invaluable in spring and autumn avitaminosis. Useful substances contained in the Morse have a strengthening effect on the entire body, and in particular on the heart.

When preparing Morse, berries do not lose their useful properties, as they are not processed thermally. Mashed fresh berries, filled with warm water, retain all the useful substances.

Morse from a cranberry is useful at quinsies, catarrhal diseases. It strengthens the immune system, so doctors are often advised to use it for pregnant women, people with inflammatory diseases, hypertension. Speaking about the benefits of cranberry mors, one can not help but notice that it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins.

Can such a useful cranberry juice bring harm?

For all the benefits of Morse from cranberries there is one but. Cranberries contain a large number of acids, which can harm the body. Cranberry juice is not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastritis and ulcers, all because of the same acids contained in cranberries, which can irritate the mucous membrane. They are also harmful to tooth enamel.

What is useful for cranberry juice and mors from Kalina?

Useful properties of berry fruit, especially from red berries, not listed. In the period of beriberi, doctors advise that there is as much fruit as possible. But it is much more useful than imported lemons, oranges and tangerines, berries that have grown in our strip. They ripen in the forests and are not processed from pests and for further transportation. To create a competition for cranberry mors, only fruit from Kalina can benefit. It is indispensable for coughing and bronchitis . Morse from Kalina has the same unique content of vitamins as cranberry.

Drink our ancestors - Morse, has not lost its relevance in the modern world.