Caloric content of raw carrots

All of us have been fed carrots since childhood, but not everyone knows how useful this vegetable is especially for those who are dieting or taking care of their health. The calorie content of fresh carrots is not great, that's why dieticians like to add to the daily diet, but about everything in order.

How many calories in raw carrots

The energy value of this product is small: it contains only 1.3 g of protein, 0.1 g of fat and 6.9 g of carbohydrates. The calorie content of carrots per 100 grams of the product is 32 kcal. On average, the root crop is 85 g, therefore, the caloric content of 1 carrot will be only 27.2 g. Despite this, it is full of vitamins and nutrients, without which our body can not exist. For example, from minerals in carrots there is potassium, chlorine, calcium, iron, magnesium. Among vitamins are present such as C, E, K, PP and group B. In addition, carrots are the record for vitamin A - beta-carotene. It is thanks to this substance that carrots have become so popular. The combination of low calorie raw carrots and such a rich chemical composition makes it indispensable in the daily diet.

Useful properties of carrots

Not only the low calorie content of raw carrots makes it so popular. Its use is able to prevent, and sometimes cure some diseases. For example, scientists have proved that regular consumption of carrots can reduce the likelihood of cancer occurrence up to 40%, and for those who already have malignant tumors, it helps to stop the development of cancer cells. Carrots for diabetics are also useful (thanks to a large number of antioxidants, carrots facilitate the course of the disease) and patients with cardiovascular diseases, as it lowers cholesterol and stimulates blood circulation, including in the brain.

Raw carrots or its juice will be a good help for those who have to constantly strain their eyes or spend the whole working day at the computer. Vitamin A, in large quantities contained in this product, helps to prevent visual impairment. Another problem can be avoided by eating one or two carrots a day - hypertension and hypertension. A raw vegetable can stabilize a person's condition, reduce the risk of strokes up to 70%.

Benefits of carrots for weight loss

Grated carrots, the calorie content of which is already minimal, perfectly copes with the removal of toxins and toxins from the body. Thus, using a delicious salad of grated carrots, you not only get a whole complex of vitamins and nutrients, but also naturally cleanse the intestines and blood. Japanese scientists who investigated the issues of rejuvenation with the help of proper nutrition, found that the presence of this product in the daily diet can prolong a person's life for 7 years.

One of the most common diets that allows to lose a few pounds a week is a carrot diet. On average, its duration is not more than 7 days. Daily ration - four meals a day with salad from 2-3 grated root crops seasoned with vegetable oil, apple (can be replaced with orange or grapefruit) and a small amount of lemon juice. To prepare a dish, use only young root vegetables, and also clean them with a special brush, as the knife cuts the most useful substances immediately under the skin.

Harm to carrots

However, excessive consumption of carrots is also harmful to humans. The daily norm for an adult is 3-4 medium-sized root crops. In case of an overdose, you may feel drowsiness, lethargy, or even a headache.