Overdose of vitamin D

"In the spoon - medicine, in the cup - poison," - says an old Russian proverb. Its meaning is simple: even the most useful substances can harm the fragile balance of the body if they are used excessively. Consider how dangerous an overdose of vitamin D.

Vitamin D - general information

Vitamin D , or calciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin, which is also a hormone. It was isolated from fish oil in 1936. It is proved that the body is able to produce it independently, if it receives enough sunlight.

Today I distinguish two forms of this vitamin:

Vitamin D affects the kidneys, intestines and all the muscles of a person, is involved in the process of calcium transport and its reabsorption. There are also additional forms such as vitamin D4, D5, D6. An overdose of vitamin D is also dangerous, as is its lack.

The norm of vitamin D for humans

Scientists have determined that the average daily norm of vitamin D is 300-600ME or 5 mcg, and the maximum possible harmless amount per day - up to 15 mcg. This dosage is suitable for adults without variations in weight parameters.

The dose of vitamin D for children under 12 years is 400-500 IU per day. Do not give your child more vitamin D!

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D

The symptoms of an overdose of vitamin D are pretty obvious, and you'll easily find them if they are available. Among them you can list the following:

  1. Nausea, weight loss, total or partial loss of appetite.
  2. Polydipsia is a phenomenon in which an abnormally strong thirst arises that can not be quenched.
  3. Polyuria - markedly increased urine formation.
  4. Hypertension is a steady increase in blood pressure.
  5. Constipation and other problems with the intestines.
  6. Muscle rigidity.
  7. Renal insufficiency, painful sensations in the kidney area.
  8. Brain pressure.
  9. Acidosis, that is, a strong shift of the acid-base balance to acidity.
  10. Fragility of the skeleton, fragility of bones due to a violation of calcium metabolism and calcium deposition on other organs.
  11. For children, such changes as poor development, low body weight, irritability, weak growth are actual. Especially dangerous is staying in the sun, taking fish oil or vitamin D in this state.

It is known that a prolonged overdose of vitamin D leads to sad consequences. It is very important to notice and prevent the further development of the disease in time.

Overdose of vitamin D - treatment

The first thing to do when an overdose of vitamin D - is to cancel the drug. If he enters the complex (multivitamins or fish oil), then cancel follows the whole complex. Even after the symptoms disappear, the first time is to refrain from taking similar supplements.

In addition, long exposure to sun or tanning in a solarium is not recommended. In the hot season, try to wear light, but closed clothing for at least the first few days.

Another important measure is a plentiful drink. It is worth choosing not mineral water or juices, but simple clean drinking water without gas. You need to consume it at least 2-3 liters per day. Watch this, taking 30 minutes before eating and an hour later after 1-2 glasses. Be sure to monitor the drinking regime at least 1-2 weeks after the discovery of an overdose .