What is harmful for mayonnaise?

You probably heard more than once that mayonnaise should be excluded from dietary nutrition, that it is a heavy and far from useful product. Many have learned this, but do not know for sure what mayonnaise is harmful. From this article you will learn about the properties of this sauce and will be able to decide whether to include it in your diet.

Is home health mayonnaise harmful?

With the acquisition of a combine, mixers and blenders, many women began to cook their favorite home sauce. Its composition is extremely simple - an egg, butter and vinegar. Add also juice of a lemon, mustard, sugar, salt - all depends on individual preferences. During this cooking it becomes obvious that mayonnaise is an incredibly high-calorie product! It is based on vegetable oil, but if we add a little oil to the salads, much more mayonnaise is consumed. For the diet of a person who watches weight, even this is not an option!

Why is mayonnaise harmful?

The mayonnaise that we buy in the store, in theory, should consist of the same products as the home. However, in order to reduce the cost of production, factories go to various tricks: instead of eggs they take a powder, instead of sunflower or olive oil , cheap and unsafe rapeseed, as well as preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers, dyes, flavors. And without that, a not very useful product made under such conditions becomes a chemical weapon against our body!

The harm of mayonnaise lies in the fact that it produces harmful but cheap trans fats, which led to 60-70% of US residents being obese. Especially dangerous are "low-calorie" mayonnaise - instead of oils, lighter chemical substitutes are used, which is even more dangerous for the human body.

If you follow the figure - refer to natural refills: oil, lemon juice, white yogurt. With the skillful use of spices, they will make the dish much tastier!