Rainbow in November - signs

Many peoples of the world consider the rainbow a good omen. The Rainbow Bridge to Heaven, the eternal covenant between people and God that the days of the Flood have long passed. The rainbow is compared to many events, but not many are aware of what the rainbow means in November. After all, to see the rainbow in autumn is a rare phenomenon. But there are signs that if a person saw a rainbow in November.

Signs and superstitions for the month of November

  1. If you saw a steep rainbow in the evening, this is a harbinger of the fact that the next day will give clear weather. A gentle rainbow to the rain.
  2. A high rainbow is a sign that the weather will be warm and soft. But the low rainbow is an omen of rainy and dull weather.
  3. If the rainbow bridge is dominated by a red color - to a strong wind.
  4. A bright rainbow is a sign of bad weather.
  5. If you saw a rainbow before rain, then it says that it will not be long.
  6. To see the rainbow, where the green color predominates - November will be rainy; more yellow - clear weather.
  7. If the rainbow appeared on the side, where the wind is blowing, it is worth waiting for a rainy day, if on the opposite side - clear weather.
  8. If the rainbow is seen for a long time - it is a harbinger of bad weather for several days.
  9. The appearance of the rainbow in November on a Saturday day foreshadows a rainy week ahead.
  10. If the rainbow appeared in the morning, it means a cloudy and gray day, and the evening rainbow promises good weather.
  11. If you see a colored arc in the east, then you can wait for good weather, in the west - a rainy day.
  12. Where rainbow "recruited" water is expected torrential rains.
  13. Located south to north, the rainbow portends torrential rain, the arc from west to east is a good clear day.

These are the signs about the rainbow in November, they went back a long time from our ancestors.