Last Supper - what is this event?

For the past two millennia, Orthodox Christians have communed every Sunday and on the days of the great church holidays. They do it under the prayer composed by John Chrysostom with a mention of the event called The Last Supper. With what it was connected - we will understand this article.

Last Supper - what is this event?

At this meeting, Jesus last gathered all his 12 apostles to celebrate together the Old Testament Jewish Passover. It symbolized the deliverance of the Jewish people from the Egyptian yoke. In addition, another task lay on such an event as the Last Supper - Jesus and Judas understood everything about each other. The first predicted the betrayal of the second, and Judas became the only one who understood the origin of the teacher and to whom the son of God discovered all the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Why is the supper called a secret?

Because Jesus Christ in his last evening established the sacrament of Holy Communion. The Last Supper is an event that is commemorated by Christians on Pure Thursday . Then it was decided to bake unleavened bread on this day and chop the lamb. The meat of the latter was not on the tables of the apostles and the son of God, because he himself went to the slaughter, ascending to the Cross for the sins of all the followers of Adam. Picking up a piece of bread and a glass of wine, he said: "This do in remembrance of Me." The cup with wine embodies the blood of Christ shed for people, and bread is his flesh. That is, the Lord performed the Passover Seder.

Where was the Last Supper?

In order to find a suitable place, Christ sent two disciples to Jerusalem. He predicted to them that on the way they would meet a traveler with a pitcher of water, who would be the master of the house in question. Those who are interested in where the Last Supper was, it is worth noting that after the apostles announced to the master the will of the teacher, he gave them a room where they could cook everything for Easter.

The Last Supper is a Parable

There is a parable about the creation of the canvas with the same name, authored by Leonardo da Vinci. He wrote all the characters of his painting from nature, selecting suitable models. He painted the image of Christ from a young choir singing, but for a long time no one could find the role of Judah. And after a long search in the gutter, a young but prematurely old man with a seal of all the vices on his face was found.

When he saw himself in the picture, he said that three years ago he was already acting as a model, but then the artist wrote Christ from him. The meaning of the parable The Last Supper is to live by the command of God, remembering the feat of Jesus and trusting in salvation in the kingdom of God. Faith can make us holy, bestow eternal life, and turn disbelief into a pitiable semblance of a person who does not have the opportunity to resist sin, the power of the Devil.

The Last Supper in the Bible

At the meeting with the apostles Jesus established the sacrament of the Eucharist. It consists in the consecration of bread and wine, which are later used for food. To those who ask what the Last Supper means, it is worth saying that at the last meal the son of God taught his disciples the Most Pure Body and Blood, giving himself as a sign of the resurrection and eternal life. Christ already knows about the betrayal and speaks about it directly. In this case, according to one version, he points to Judas, offering him a piece of bread, dipped in a vessel with wine.

According to another version at the Last Supper he simultaneously with Judas pulls his hand to the cup, which is a direct proof of his betrayal. He is saddened by the upcoming separation from his disciples and teaches them a lesson of eternal humility and love, washing each other in turn and wiping himself with his own belt. The first was the apostle Peter, and the Last Supper became a revelation for him. He says, "Do you wash my feet?" But Jesus answers: "If I do not wash you, you have no part with me." The Lord did not disdain the duties of a slave in the name of love and unity.

The Last Supper - Prayer

Not only on Great Thursday, but also throughout the year before the communion at the Liturgy, the priest reads a special prayer, constantly recalling what happened at such an event as the Last Supper, the Orthodox Church even restored the footing of the feet performed by the bishop after the Liturgy. And although Great Thursday falls on a passionate week, it is considered a festive day, starting to celebrate it on Wednesday evening. At the same time, the canon "The Sharp Sears" is read, performing the song 9 songs, and the Liturgy is sung by the prayer "Your Mystical Night".

In it, the worshiper asks the Lord to accept him and make him a participant in such an event as the Last Supper. He promises not to give out secrets to the enemies, not to give such a kiss as Judas did, and asks to be remembered in the Kingdom of God. This is how Jesus Christ died for the faith and people, the Last Supper signifies this event, and together with the Communion of the Apostles, this is done by the entire Christian people, connecting their souls with God and associating with his Divine love.