Tablets that cause a period of delay

Many girls, even at the stage when the menstrual cycle is not fully established, face such a problem as the delay of the next menstruation. Then they start searching for pills that cause menstruation with their short delay.

What medications help to cause a monthly on delay?

Most practicing gynecologists today say that a delay of 2-6 days is acceptable. Absence of monthly discharges more than this period indicates a possible hormonal failure, or a pregnancy that has begun.

In the event that the absence of menstruation is caused by hormonal failures in the body, then the girl can not do without drugs that cause a period of time when they are delayed. Various folk methods, sometimes can only exacerbate the situation.

Before you start taking medications that cause a period of delay, the girl should consult a doctor. Most often, gynecologists prescribe drugs such as Pulsatilla, Dyufaston, Mifegin, Non-ovolon and Postinor. Consider separately the above listed drugs.

Pulsatilla is available in the form of granules. For the onset of the effect, it is sufficient to take 6-7 granules, which must be placed under the tongue until they are fully resorbed. This tool is convenient in that it requires only a single application.

No less popular drug for this violation is Dufaston . Usually it is taken 1 tablet, 2 times a day, for 4-5 days. The effect of taking is already 2-3 days after the last drink.

Postinor , which is able to cause a period of delay, can also be used in a similar situation, but it is primarily an emergency contraceptive . Dosage and frequency of reception of this drug is indicated by the doctor. Most often, menstruation begins already literally in 1-3 days of taking the medicine.

With a fairly long absence of menstrual bleeding the doctor appoints Mifegin . This drug is used when the delay is 8-10 days.

Non-oblong apply 2 tablets after 12 hours. The effect is observed literally after 1-2 days of admission.

What should be considered when taking medications that cause menstruation?

Each girl, faced with such a problem, should not decide on her own what pills she should drink while delaying menstruation, but immediately consult a doctor. The point is that each organism is individual, and what seems to be suitable for one patient is completely counter-indicative to another.