Office Hysteroscopy

Office hysteroscopy is a diagnostic examination of the uterine cavity, which is performed in a polyclinic or private rooms, does not require general anesthesia and long-term observation of the patient in a hospital. During this procedure, the gynecologist can examine the canal of the cervix, the walls of the uterus and the mouth of the fallopian tubes. Such hysteroscopy does not cause significant pain in the patient, since she uses a very thin hysteroscope. We will consider in what conditions and under what indications are the office hysteroscopy performed, and how much it can be painful.

Indications for office hysteroscopy of the uterus

Office hysteroscopy is carried out in the presence of the following indications:

Of great importance office hysteroscopy acquired from nulliparous women, in particular before attempting IVF. Since carrying out this type of hysteroscopy is not accompanied by an expansion of the cervical canal, therefore, it avoids ischemic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy (premature opening of the uterine throat).

Opportunities for office hysteroscopy

During this endoscopic manipulation, it is possible to diagnose inflammation of the uterine walls, polyps and adhesions, submucous myomatous nodes, endometriosis . During office hysteroscopy, it is possible to remove small polyps and cut thin adhesions, thereby restoring the passableness of the fallopian tubes, and also to remove a small submucous myoma. This makes it possible to avoid therapeutic and diagnostic curettage in hospital conditions, which bring a significant harm to a woman's health.

Preparation for such treatment and diagnostic manipulation is the same as for other gynecological interventions: a general blood test, blood from the vein for RW and hepatitis B and C, a swab from the vagina to oncocytology and flora, and a blood group and Rh factor.

Thus, office hysteroscopy can be considered the "gold standard" of diagnosis in gynecology, which has great diagnostic capabilities, does not require special preparation and does not harm the body of a woman.