Patties with cottage cheese

As we know, the patty is a small baked or roasted dough with stuffing. In many countries people bake, fry and eat pies with pleasure (sometimes as street fast food). There are a lot of recipes for pies, they differ in dough, fillings, as well as with national and regional products and cooking traditions.

Pies with cottage cheese are popular throughout the post-Soviet space.

Pies with cottage cheese from fresh yeast dough - recipe


For filling:


In a bowl in warm milk (the optimum temperature is about 38 degrees C), sugar, yeast and 2 tablespoons flour are mixed, mixed and put into heat for half an hour. We pour the risen spoon into a working bowl, add salt, egg and sifted flour. We knead the dough carefully and place it in heat, covering it with a napkin. After about 20 minutes, we knead and mix the dough a little more, after which we repeat the cycle "raskostavanie-obminanie", and the dough is ready for work.

The filling for patties with cottage cheese can consist simply of cottage cheese, if it is fresh, rather fatty and not too dry (in this case, add a little sour cream and mix). Cottage cheese should be kneaded with a fork, you can slightly add the filling.

How to make pies with cottage cheese?

We divide the dough into approximately the same small lumps, which are rolled into pellets, for example, of a round shape. It is possible and in another way: roll out the dough into a layer and cut down the punching with a punching mold of the correct size. We put in the center of each flat cake stuffing and, bending the edges, tightly tear them with one seam (or three to the center, then triangular patties will be obtained). Then you can act in three ways:

Of course, the first two methods are preferable, because it is healthier.

Now more.

  1. Bake in the oven. Patty spread on a greased baking sheet, if single-seam - can be upward seam or down and slightly crumple, if triangular - better up the seams. Bake in the oven until brown. Ready-made pies with cottage cheese with the help of a brush grease or melted butter or egg whites, or yolk.
  2. Pechem in the frying pan. Well we heat up a thick-walled large frying pan with a high rim and carefully lubricate it inside with a piece of fat, nipping it on the fork. We put out the patties and fix them, giving them a more flat shape. Pechem with a turn up to ruddy on medium heat, then reduce the fire and bring it to readiness under the lid. Lubricate the finished pies with eggs or butter.
  3. Fry in a frying pan. In a heated frying pan, warm up a considerable amount of oil (if vegetable, it is better to take rapeseed or olive). Fry pies with a flip on both sides to a characteristic brown-gold shade.

Following any of the three variants of this recipe, you can prepare pies with cottage cheese and herbs, they are much more useful. Just include the chopped greens in the filling (see above). Add sweet components (especially sugar) to the filling from the curd, since pure sugar is not useful. However, if you are using dough, you can add a little sugar and pour or cinnamon - it will be delicious. Pies with cottage cheese can be served with tea, coffee, cocoa, juices, compotes or milk drinks.