Symptoms of menopause in 45 years

Climax refers to a certain period in the life of each woman, which characterizes the transition to extinction of the reproductive function of the body. At this stage, there is a significant hormonal adjustment, the amount of estrogen decreases, menstruation stops.

Usually the complete cessation of menstrual function occurs approximately in 50 years, however the first changes begin much earlier. The first symptoms of menopause can be noticed as early as 45 years. Sometimes the climacteric period can begin earlier or later, which is associated with hereditary factors, as well as with the health of women.

Symptoms of menopause in 45 years

At this age, a woman can face the beginning of hormonal adjustment, which makes itself felt by certain signals:

Any of these conditions can serve as an early sign of menopause, which can be noticed at 45 years of age. Of course, each of these symptoms can be attributed to a number of other diseases, but an experienced doctor will be able to determine the true cause of the ailments.

It should be remembered that to determine the onset of menopause at 45 years old, laboratory blood tests can be used to determine hormone abnormalities. After all, age adjustment directly depends on the change in the hormonal background of a woman.

Relief of climacteric manifestations

Such symptoms disrupt the habitual rhythm of life, and in some cases can greatly spoil its quality. Therefore, the question of the methods of alleviating the conditions that accompany the onset of menopausal restructuring becomes:

The appointment of therapy should be entrusted to the gynecologist, who knows everything about menopause in women over 45 and older. Independent decisions concerning treatment can have irreparable harm to health.