Brown discharge after menstruation

The presence of excretions in women after the months have ended is quite common. In most cases, this fact is a unique signal of the body, which indicates the presence of pathology in the work of the reproductive system.

Brown discharge, almost immediately after menstruation, is considered the norm, when they are not accompanied by itching, tingling, burning, sharp pains in the lower abdomen, and most importantly - do not have a smell. Their appearance is easily explained by the fact that directly in the last days of menstruation, the blood release occurs more slowly than in the beginning. That's why blood curdles, and gives the secretions after the past menstrual dark or light brown color. If this kind of discharge is observed for a long time, after the months that have already ended, the woman should address this problem to the doctor.

Is brown discharge a sign of endometritis?

The appearance of brown discharge after recent menstruation may be due to a number of reasons. In most cases, dark discharge after menstruation is a symptom of endometritis . With this pathology, there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. The cause of its development are pathogenic microorganisms - streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, which appear in the uterus due to the complication of the birth process, surgical intervention. The main symptoms of this disease are:

When the disease is transferred to a chronic form, the body temperature usually does not increase. This pathology is dangerous because it occurs almost without symptoms. Therefore, in most cases, a woman does not seek help until she smears, brown, often with an admixture of blood, discharge after menstruation, which is a sign of the already begun process of peeling of the uterine epithelium. The consequence of this disease is the development of infertility.

When still there can be allocation after monthly?

Scant brown discharge, observed after menstruation, is also characteristic of endometriosis . This pathology is characterized by the process of proliferation of endometrial cells. In other words, it is a benign neoplasm.

This pathology affects women of predominantly reproductive age - 20-45 years. In addition to the appearance of brown precipitates after the past monthly, the following characteristics are also characteristic for the disease:

In most cases, such a disease leads to infertility in women. Therefore, an early diagnosis of the disease plays a very important role. It is performed with the help of a laparoscopic examination, in during which the uterine cavity is examined. In case of suspicion of malignant education, a woman is assigned a blood test, in which an onco-marker is used.

Thus, the appearance of brown secretions, especially after a delay in menstruation, is often a sign of gynecological disease. That's why the girl should not waste time, and torment herself in meditation: "Why did I have brown discharge after menstruation?", But rather seek help from a gynecologist. Only under such condition will it be possible to avoid serious consequences for her health.