Tempering children in the summer - consultation for parents

To children as little as possible hurt, it is necessary to strengthen their immune system. In kindergartens often conduct a consultation for parents on the topic of tempering children in the summer, because at this time of year, you can make full use of natural factors such as water, sun and air.

Use of natural factors for tempering children in summer

There are a variety of ways of hardening, but the most basic was and still is the use of the forces of nature. Despite the fact that in summer such procedures can be carried out for a longer period of time, it should still be reasonable to treat sun exposure and douches, especially in young children, and do everything gradually.

The sun

In summer, the effect of the sun is not expressed in a single beautiful sunburn, which, incidentally, is especially not for children, but in replenishing the body with vitamin D. It is then that it naturally enters the body, accumulating for months ahead. At the same time, the level of hemoglobin is also replenished .

Sun baths are useful for children, since birth. But they need to be carried out with caution, starting from five minutes, leading gradually to an hour for older children. Staying in the sun will be useful in the morning hours until 11.00 and in the evening, when the sun is not so active - after 16.00, but in the midday heat it is under direct rays dangerous.

During sunbathing, it is advisable to cover the head of the child with a panama and regularly offer water, because dehydration on hot days occurs very quickly due to active sweating.


Tempering of children in both summer and preschool age in summer is especially important with the help of water procedures. Gradual lowering of water temperature strengthens the immune system of a child of any age, and the next season he will suffer much better in terms of colds.

The rules for tempering children with water in the summer are about the same as in winter. The water temperature for pouring every day is reduced by two degrees, gradually reaching a cool one. Children in the garden daily as hardening pour their feet with cool water or splash in the outdoor pool on the site.

If possible, it would be nice to buy a small pool for the yard, so that the child had a constant opportunity to splash enough. The skin gets used to the temperature difference, which is very useful for health.


As such, tempering from being in the air can not be felt, but it certainly is. In the memo for parents about the tempering of children in the summer it is said that the child should spend at least 4 hours outdoors at this time of year. If there is an opportunity, then this time needs to be maximized, which, of course, will have a positive impact on the health of the child at any age.

Without ignoring the recommendations of physicians, parents can significantly improve the immunity of the child in the summer, regardless of whether he is taken to the sea, or simply to be healthy in the countryside.