Cherry planting in autumn

Juicy and sweet vitamin cherries are very fond of eating not only children, but also adults. And hardly any of them abandoned their own cherry tree near the house. All about how to properly plant cherries on the site in autumn we will tell in our article.

Planting of cherry seedlings in autumn

Cherries - the plant is quite thermophilic, so planting its seedlings on the site is better in the spring. But in regions with mild winters, the autumn planting of cherries is quite acceptable. But it is important to plant it before the frost is established and the top layer of the soil freezes. The deadline for planting cherries in autumn is the second decade of October.

Where to plant the sweet cherry?

In order for the cherry to grow well and bear fruit, the place under its planting should be chosen in well-lit areas, preferably near the fence or the wall of the house. There the seedling will be reliably protected from winds and frosts. The soil near the sweet cherry must be fertile, water-permeable and not subject to groundwater stagnation. It is best to plant a cherry tree on a small hill or mound, next to a cherry or other cherry varieties.

How to plant cherries in autumn?

Planting work begins with the preparation of the fossa. A month before the planned disembarkation we excavate a pit 60 cm in depth and 70-80 cm in width. At the bottom of the hole we fill the mixture of the upper layer of the earth and humus. Many fertilizers are not cherries, because their overabundance leads to increased formation of lateral shoots, which do not have time to properly consolidate to the next winter.

The roots of the seedlings before planting are soaked in a bucket of water for 6-8 hours, and then gently straightened. The seedling is planted in the planting pit in such a way that its root neck is 5-6 cm above the ground. After the soil in the planting pit is slightly set, the root collar of the seedlings will be at the same level as the edge of the pit. On the edge of the landing pit, a special watering hole is dug out. After abundant watering, the soil around the seedling is mulched with peat or humus. Prune cherries should be left until spring, so as not to weaken the tree on the eve of wintering.

How to transplant the sweet cherry in the autumn?

Often in autumn, there is a need for a transplant of a cherry tree already growing on the site. Is it possible to transplant the sweet cherry in the autumn, will not such a transplant be pernicious for a tree? Subject to the strict implementation of all the rules, such a transplantation will pass for the cherry absolutely painless.

First, you can transplant only healthy cherries at the age of 5-6 years. Secondly, the preparation for transplantation should begin in advance - for 6-12 months. In early spring or late autumn, around the sweet cherry, dig a circular groove with a depth of 45 cm and a width of 20 cm. The roots of the sweet cherry are neatly chopped and peeled, and then coated with garden sauce . After that, the groove is filled with peat or humus. During the summer, the tree is actively watered to maximize the development of new surface roots instead of cropped ones.

Transplant the cherry need immediately after the fall of the fall, while the frost has not yet tied the top layer of the soil. The embryonic fossa in this case should be 1.5 times the size of the root system. It is important to remember that the transplantation of an adult tree must necessarily preserve its orientation relative to the sides of the world. This will help protect the tree from sunburn and bark injuries.

How to prick a sweet cherry in the autumn?

If, for some reason, the cherry prepared for planting (transplanting) was not able to be planted before the onset of frost, it should be prikopat until spring. To do this, a place under the shelter, maximally protected from winds and invasions of pests, is chosen on the hill. At the selected site dig a groove depth of 40-60 cm and lay there pre-soaked with water trees, placing them at intervals of 25 cm from each other. Crowns of seedlings are sent to the south, and roots to the north. After that the seedlings are sprinkled with loose earth in a mixture with sawdust.