Diseases of the mouth

Many diseases of the oral cavity at the initial stage of development in no way manifest themselves, in connection with which, are especially dangerous. The factors provoking pathological changes in the mucous membrane in the mouth are numerous. The main causes of diseases of the oral cavity are:

Types of diseases of the oral cavity

Due to the influence of negative factors in microflora living in the oral cavity, virulence is increased, and it becomes pathogenic. Consider the types of oral diseases, methods of their treatment and prevention measures.

Infectious diseases of the oral cavity

The group of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity includes:

In the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, therapeutic toothpastes and rinses are used, for the treatment of mucous surfaces - antiseptics, anesthetic preparations can be used to relieve the pain syndrome. In severe forms of illness, the doctor recommends taking antibiotics. A good help in the treatment and prevention is the reception of funds that help strengthen immunity: vitamin-mineral complexes and immunomodulators.

Fungal diseases of the mouth

Weakened immunity is the cause of fungal diseases of the oral cavity. Among the common fungal infections:

In the treatment of fungal diseases of the oral cavity, antimycotics are used:

No less important condition for successful therapy is the elimination of all traumatic factors. For this purpose it is necessary:

  1. Adjust the diet;
  2. Cure the teeth and, if necessary, replace the dentures.
  3. Refuse to smoke, etc.

Effective therapy with folk medicine:

  1. Rinse the mouth with a solution of apple cider vinegar.
  2. Lubrication of oral mucosa with sea buckthorn oil, etc.

Viral diseases of the oral cavity

The causative agents of viral diseases of the oral cavity are:

These diseases are chronic, since it is not possible to completely destroy viruses. During the life of a person, periods of exacerbation are followed by periods of decay of the activator activity. Therapy of both types of viral diseases is aimed at eliminating their clinical manifestations.

Prevention of diseases of the oral cavity

To prevent oral diseases, it is important to follow the rules of prevention. Let's note the most important of them:

1. Observance of personal hygiene includes:

2. Timely sanation of the oral cavity, an annual preventive visit to the dentist even in the absence of obvious signs of dental and gum disease.

3. Balanced nutrition with mandatory inclusion of sour-milk products, fish, fresh vegetables and fruits.

4. Healthy lifestyle, rejection of bad habits.