Means of moths in the apartment - how to find and destroy the moth in the apartment?

The appearance of moths in the house is in no way connected with the level of cleanliness and neatness of the dwelling. To prevent its reproduction by frequent cleaning, you definitely will not succeed. Means of moths in the apartment should be used much more radical. Their choice in many respects will depend on the type of insect.

What causes the moth in the apartment?

The first question that arises in people at the sight of gray plain butterflies - where does the mole in the apartment come from? The simplest way is through open windows, windows, doors, ventilation. The second most likely way - with clothing (if the moth is a wardrobe) or with food (in the case of a food moth). Often it is planted during storage of groats in food warehouses. Moth larvae are barely noticeable, but they are just destroying edible stocks. As in the case of the paid subspecies: the damage to the caterpillars is done by the caterpillars, and not the flying individuals.

Types of moths in the apartment

In total there are more than 40 varieties of moths. Most of them live in the conditions of nature. Mole in the apartment is classified as domestic moth. These are small insects, the length of the body together with the wings of them reaches about 7 mm. When the wings are folded, they have the shape of a triangle. By their coloring, different types of domestic moths differ little among themselves, being as a whole as inconspicuous as possible.

Black moth in the apartment

A black moth is planted in cereals that have been stored for too long. It reproduces very quickly, therefore at the first signs of its appearance it is necessary to take immediate measures. Before applying this or that anti-moth remedy, you need to determine exactly where she lives. Often, she prefers warm and dark places, where there is no flow of fresh air. The main danger for products is the larvae, devouring everything around them. Flying insects are males that do not carry a big threat. Female black moths have a gray color. They are engaged in laying eggs.

Food moth in the apartment

Another kind of moth that lives in the grain is a silvery white food moth . The wingspan is up to 15 mm. Egg laying is carried out by the female. She does it directly in the groats. Hatching, caterpillars braid a few grains of cobwebs and feed on them, making them unfit for human food. Sometimes a food moth settles in dried fruits and various seeds. The best folk remedies against moths are household soap and vinegar. In addition, they do not tolerate sunlight at all.

Mole in the closet with clothes

The clothing and furniture moths are very similar to each other. Both of them live in cabinets with fur, woolen and cotton products. They spoil not only clothes, but also furniture upholstery and carpets. Both species reach a length of 5-9 mm, the color of the wings and the body is straw-yellow. A furniture moth can be a little darker than a wardrobe, but at first glance it is very difficult to distinguish them. Larvae represent the main danger, feeding on our clothes and making it unusable.

Help from moles in the closet folk remedies - dried tansy, lavender, rosemary, orange peel, tobacco. They are laid out in a closet with clothes. Here they only frighten off adults, but they do not act on the larvae. To kill caterpillars, clothes freeze or, conversely, warm in the hot sun, after which the larvae easily fall off. If it is permissible, clothes are washed at maximum temperature.

Wax moth - how to fight?

Danger to bee hives is carried by a wax moth. Her caterpillars feed on honey, wax and perga. In addition, they eat the larvae of bees. Sometimes a large colony of such pests can destroy even a heater on the hive. Fighting wax moths with folk remedies is dressing honeycombs in sealed containers with vinegar essence. Prevention is the constant cleaning in a hive, cleaning the honeycombs themselves and cells or a complete change of honeycomb and beehive when signs of infection appear. In an apartment this kind of moth can appear along with infected honeycomb larvae.

Poplar moth in the apartment

Another kind of moth that can fly into our house together with fluff is poplar. It multiplies on trees in down pillows. Getting to our house, it does not cause tangible damage to things or food. In this case, it can be very annoying with your presence. Especially uncomfortable if there are allergies in the house. In addition, such a mole can disable electrical appliances, climbing inside them. How to destroy a mole in an apartment: you can use sticky traps and traps that attract your light.

How to find a mole in an apartment?

The struggle with the moth in the apartment begins with the search for their habitats and reproduction. Depending on the type of insect, the ways of searching and the remedy for moths in the apartment will differ:

  1. How to find a moth: search must begin with clothes closets. It is necessary to carefully check all clothing for the presence of larvae, eggs and adults. When they are detected, you need to treat all clothing with dichlorvos or another aerosol product, hang it in the sun, carefully clean it.
  2. How to detect a food moth: this subspecies lives in the kitchen, hiding in loose grains, dried fruits, tea, nuts, which are stored in loosely clogged containers. It is necessary to carefully check the contents of all the packages with food in the apartment. If an infected food is found, it should be discarded immediately, and the cabinets treated with soap and acetic solution.

Effective remedy for moths in the apartment

It is believed that the best remedy for insect pests is that which acts as quickly as possible and completely kills the moth at all its stages of development. Any industrial product from food moths or from its clothing variety can be in the form of a spray, a fumigator, a trap and a repeller. Folk remedies are mainly designed to repel and prevent adult moths.

The most effective means are aerosols. They help to quickly process a large area, penetrating deep into the fabric, fur and wool. Fumigators also do their job well, but their action is not as fast as aerosols. The traps are designed to attract the flying individuals, which is ineffective, but as an additional means will do.

Essential oils from moths in the apartment

The folk remedy for moths in the apartment as a preventive measure or additional control measures includes the use of strongly smelling essential oils:

The way these oils are used is to dilute a few drops in water. This means of moths in the apartment can be used for washing the floor, spraying wardrobes, wiping kitchen surfaces and interiors of lockers, wetting gauze tampons with their subsequent unfolding around the apartment. The main thing is that after such treatment in the house a long fragrance remained for a long time.

Herbs from moths in the apartment

Odorless herbs are also often used as an effective deterrent against flying moths in an apartment. Having spread out bunches of strong-smelling dry plants everywhere, you can achieve that the mole does not want to live in your closet. The best remedy for moths is this:

What to do with the moth in the apartment?

If you need to quickly get rid of already present individuals, you will need to process the apartment from moth sprays (aerosols). Proven means:

  1. "Armol" . Aerosol for processing of fur coats and other fur products with a pleasant scent of lavender. It leaves no traces on furniture and clothes, they can handle not only clothes, but also carpets, curtains, bed linens. There is a simple "Armol" and reinforced "Armol Expert". The second is used for processing large rooms - exhibition halls, shop pavilions.
  1. Raptor . Effective against butterflies and larvae. Has a pleasant scent of lavender. It is used to remove clothing moths. Buy it is not a problem - the product is sold in any store of household chemicals.
  1. "Clean house" . Aerosol against moths, little different from other similar means. Economical and effective spray. They can handle clothes, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc.