How to get rid of rats - a selection of effective methods

The question of how to get rid of rats worries many owners. Their danger to humans lies in the multitude of diseases that these pests endure. Neighborhood with rodents can cause damage to property, animals do harm to housekeeping - harvest or young birds.

How to deal with rats folk remedies?

Wild rats settle in both apartments and private houses, under the floor, in cellars, chicken coops. They amaze with their cunning and ingenuity. When at least one of the rats is caught in a human trick, then all the other sources of danger will be analyzed and circumvented by it. Often for each individual they come up with their own method of destruction. But there are many such methods - these are cats, and folk remedies from rats in the form of baits, traps, and store repellers , pesticides. Of all the many ways to combat rodents for each room choose acceptable.

How to get rid of rats in a private house?

In the fight against unwanted rodents will help the time-tested folk ways. How to get rid of rats in the house:

  1. You need to make a bait - in equal proportions mix gypsum powder and flour. Products and a bowl of water should be left in places where animals often appear. If they take a treat, they will die after the gypsum has hardened in the stomach.
  2. For the next bait, you need a glass of sugar, half a cup of flour and as much soda. The rodent who tasted the mixture will die in a few days. Soda adversely affects his body, causing severe gas formation.

How to get rid of rats in the apartment?

Unsanitary conditions, scattered food remains, a warehouse of packages with garbage are the main reasons for the appearance of pests in apartments. They are excellent swimmers, able to penetrate into the dwelling through the sewers and pipes, freely moving along the vertical surface. To combat them, it is better to use traps, the animal will get into them, then it will be destroyed. How to get rid of rats in a block of flats:

  1. Use a box with bait, inside greased with rat glue. The pest can not get out of it.
  2. In a three-liter jar, placed horizontally, pour the vegetable oil and lay the bait. The rodent, hitting the container, will slide and not get out.
  3. The dwelling on the perimeter should be covered with chamomile and wormwood.
  4. Use an ultrasonic device to repel rodents. It emits waves that pests can not stand and leave. The device will help against a lot of rats, it acts in diameter about 20 m.

How to get rid of rats in the garage?

It happens that the rodents are planted in the garage, where they also do harm - they can damage the car wiring, destroy items made of plastic, paper, leather. How to get rid of rats and mice in the garage: pests can not stand sharp smells. Most of all they can not stand turpentine, kerosene, naphthalene and vinegar. Any fabric surface should be soaked with such a means and decomposed in the habitats of uninvited guests. As a rule, they leave the room with an unacceptable smell.

How to get rid of rats in the subfield?

The favorite habitat for rodents in a private home is the underground. There they instantly multiply and live in entire colonies. How to get rid of rats in a cellar or a subfield:

  1. For this, ash is often used. Ash is an alkali, hitting the paws of rats, corrodes them. Pests do not tolerate this substance and try to leave the room in which it is located. Ash can be scattered in the underground or on the floor in the cellar, in the corners and the places where they often stay.
  2. Deciding how to get rid of wild rats, you can scatter broken glass in the underground - they damage the legs and go away from danger.

How to get rid of rats in the country?

The sudden appearance of uninvited guests at the cottage is fraught with spoilage of products, crops, carries a danger to people and their pets. How to get rid of rats in the yard:

  1. In the places of their detection it is necessary to scatter the ashes.
  2. In the house you need a cat-rat-cat. His scent will scare away the aliens.
  3. Dogs also do not like rodents, it's best to have a dachshund or fox terrier .
  4. Beams of chamomile, tansy, mint should be kept in the buildings where the products are located.
  5. In the grain can be buried plastic bottles with bait, from the inside lubricated with vegetable oil.
  6. In the yard plants are planted, the smell of which scares off rats - poisonous black-legged, bitter wormwood. The elder contains cyanide acid and is popular in the fight against rodents, it is grown around farm buildings and chicken coops.

How to get rid of rats in the henhouse?

Wild rats bring harm to the henhouse. They smash and eat eggs, choke chickens, carry diseases. How to get rid of rats in the henhouse:

Remedies for rats

Deciding how to get rid of rats at home, many owners resort to the help of poisons. In the shops selling a lot of all kinds of poisoning - Krysin, Ratid, Goliath. An animal that has eaten a poisonous bait can survive for up to 10 days. During this period, the rodent tries to leave the room, because he begins oxygen starvation. Poisoned individuals leave the dwelling and perish. After poisons, the most popular methods were various scarers and traps.

How to drive rats out of the house with folk remedies?

Putting in the house a remedy that scares off rats, you can get them to leave. There are strong odors that rodents can not stand. How to get rid of rats with the help of strong smells:

  1. Pests do not like strongly smelling agents, such as formalin or kerosene. They can spray the corners of the room.
  2. A mixture of naphthalene and sawdust should be poured near the mink, the rats do not tolerate this smell and leave the house.
  3. Soak rags in turpentine and put them in burrows, along the perimeter of the room, so that the animals leave from there.
  4. Do not like them and the treat, which is added nutmeg, fish oil, essential oil cloves.
  5. Do not like pests smell of peppermint, it is used in the form of essential oil, solution or extract. The wet woven napkins should be placed next to food, near the burrows, on the way of moving the animals.
  6. Pharmacy chamomile gives off a strong ethereal-resinous flavor, it can be used in its pure form, spreading in pest habitats. Having smelled an unpleasant aroma, they will try to leave from there.
  7. Ledum contains a large percentage of essential oil. In the room, several of its beams are missing, so that the rodents bypass it.

How to catch a rat with improvised means?

When deciding how to get rid of rats, many people use traps . The mechanical way to combat rodents is considered the cheapest. To it carry various adaptations with a bait from which pests can not get out. Establish them in the most frequent places of appearance of pests, optimally - near the burrows. Means against rats - traps:

  1. The flower pot is turned over, a wooden chip, sharpened on one side, is pushed under it. She baits a bait, the animal gets inside, tries to eat food, the lodge drops and the pot closes the pest inside.
  2. Install a tank half filled with water. Top with a layer of 4 cm pour shredded straw and put a little bait (croup, grain). The board is substituted for the tub, and the animals will go up on it. As the mirror of water is disguised, the pests become on the straw, they fail and drown.