Antipyretics for newborns

Preparing for the birth of a child, many parents in advance buy not only, the so-called dowry - diaper-ryazhonki and so on, but they also collect a first-aid kit for the baby so that the most necessary medications are always at hand. Based on the advice of grandmothers and older friends, medications are bought from infantile colic, isotonic solutions for cleansing the nose and, of course, antipyretic for newborns.

The increase in body temperature in newborns often causes young parents to panic, especially when it comes to the first-born. Seeing on the thermometer, even a slight deviation from the usual indicators, troubled moms immediately seek to infuse a child with a medicine for fever for the newborn to bring the mercury column back to its original location.

The rise in temperature is a benefit and danger

In an effort to knock down the heat as soon as possible, the child often has a basic parental misconception that can negatively affect the course of the illness. The fact is that when an organism is attacked by pathogenic viruses and bacteria, it, like a self-regulating system, raises body temperature, as it is necessary to develop a protective protein - interferon. In addition, in conditions of elevated temperature, viruses can not multiply and, in the end, die. That is, the heat of a child contributes to healing and the formation of immunity.

But, nevertheless, there are no clear boundaries - at what rates should you refer to antipyretics for newborns to bring down the temperature. Up to 38⁰, it should not be knocked down, since the production of interferons has not yet begun, and after 39⁰ there is a risk of seizures, so the average value, from which it is necessary to start the fight with high temperature, can be considered 38.5⁰. But you need to look at the child's condition, as well as the presence of congenital pathologies and diseases - heart disease, epilepsy, neurological disorders. These children are at risk, so the heat for them can be simply dangerous.

What can I give a newborn child from the temperature?

Of course, it is optimal not to use any medicines during the baby's neonatal period. But if there is no alternative, you can give drugs paracetamol or ibuprofen. They are produced under different names and in different dosage forms. For newborns, as a rule, two forms are used:

The fact that the antipyretic acts quickly, speaks about the nature of the disease in the baby. If febrifugal suppositories for newborns have helped and lowered the temperature for at least 4 hours, then it means a banal ARVI. If the antipyretics do not help, most likely, the cause that caused the fever is more serious.

It should be remembered that self-medication is extremely dangerous for the health of the baby, so when the temperature rises and signs of general malaise, it is best for the doctor to go home, or as a last resort - to the ambulance. The pediatrician will be able to diagnose and prescribe medications, as well as their exact dosage, which is especially important in the period of newborn.