Style nude

"Nu" in translation from French - naked, undressed. Presumably, the genre of "nude" originated in the fine arts of the Renaissance. Artists embodied in it their own ideas about the ideal of feminine beauty in magnificent forms and the life-long charm of a young and blooming body. The works created in this style speak of the full-blooded and sensual perception of the world.

In the XX century, the genre of "nude" in painting began to exhaust itself and the painters began to seek other ways of creative expression in order to preserve their identity. Perhaps not always successfully, but it depends on the master himself. Photos of girls in the style of nude is a genre in art, but to create beautiful photos as a masterpiece - here without talent in any way. It is important to be able to not just make a frame with a beautiful nude figure, but skillfully embody all its charms, revive grace and grace, youth and temperament, mood and much more.

Of course, the quality of work depends not only on the master. If the girl herself is properly tuned, she will manifest it with her whole being. Then the work itself in such a creative tandem will turn out simply delicious!

Directions of the style of Nu - the creative potential of the master

Artistic photos in the style of Art nu certain layers of society are perceived ambiguously. For several centuries, critics have challenged its ethics. In order not to cross the line of vulgarity in art, as in an ordinary photo, an innate talent is needed. Conditionally it is possible to divide these directions into an erotic "nude" and Art nu.

Art nude applies to photographs where nudity is depicted artistically and artistically. This direction is equated with works of art - its part, forgotten in the Renaissance, where the beauty of the female body is sung . The photographer works here as a master artist. Light, color and texture - everything is designed to open the idea itself, cause admiration, touch high feelings and surprise.

Nude parties - nude reading rooms

Last year, a literary salon called Naked Girls Reading opened in Toronto. The roles in the "costume" performance are performed by South American stars of burlesque . But they do not dance and do not sing. Absolutely naked girls read traditional English literature.

The idea of ​​show and nude parties was born in the fantasies of the Chicago photographer and writer Frankie Vivid. He once found his wife - the star of burlesque Michel Lamour with a book in his hands. But, none of this became the embodiment of the idea. The wife was naked. And it is this fact, united in a single plot, built a show that has become popular. All over the world, such literary nude parties began to be held. The scope of imagination was so huge that as ideas began to emerge, and with regard to clothes in the style of nude, make-up and even hairstyles.

Hairstyles and makeup in nude style

Hairstyle in the style of nude will be appropriate when visiting a sauna or nudist beach, and perhaps to show off to your beloved man the beauty of his body in the nude style. Intimate haircuts are comfortable for the summer, in the bikini season.

Any self-respecting woman, as a rule, watches her appearance. And not for someone, but for yourself a loved one first. After all, if we do not love our body as a part of ourselves, it is unlikely that we will be able to reveal our natural inner beauty. And meanwhile, it is she who always attracts male attention. And believe me, natural purity is much stronger and more magical than the image created with the help of bright cosmetics.

To emphasize all of their dignity and naturalness, the Nu-style makeup is very popular around the world. With such make-up, the girl looks fresh and beautiful, and therefore natural - natural. On the face is not recommended to apply layers of cosmetics. Just emphasize your inner eye-shine appeal with minimal cosmetic help.