Pale face - reasons

If there are pathologies in the human body, this can affect the quality of blood microcirculation in the skin. She begins to enter the skin in insufficient quantity and because of this the complexion changes - it becomes pale. What is the pallor of the face? And does it happen that such a shade of skin is a normal reaction of a person to external stimuli?

Why does my face turn pale?

If you have a pallor of the face, the reasons can be different. Very often such a symptom indicates iron deficiency anemia . In this case, the patient also significantly lowers blood pressure, fatigue and irritability appear.

Pale face can occur when:

The person pale too strongly and at an attack of a stenocardia. At this time, he is concerned about the pain that is given to the neck, arm and even back. The causes of pallor in women and men are severe diseases of the stomach or duodenum, as these diseases are often accompanied by severe internal bleeding. The condition of the skin can be negatively affected by hormonal disorders. In addition, pallor can occur with an infectious disease.

Harmless causes of pallor of the face

Of course, the causes of pallor of the face are not always serious diseases or pathologies. It happens that a person looks very pale after a long time on the street at minus temperatures or with a strict diet.

The color of the skin is affected by physical activity. Pale look people who move little and rarely go in for sports, because their heart muscle works with less intensity. The sudden appearance of pallor is observed in many people with severe stress and nervous illnesses.