Nutrition in the first days after childbirth

The most important task facing a newly mum is lactation. Therefore, the issue of nutrition after childbirth in the first days should be given special attention: the baby should receive with mother's milk a maximum of vitamins and nutrients. But some foods are undesirable, because the digestive tract of crumbs does not work at full strength and allergic manifestations occur quite often.

How to organize a maternity meal in the first days after childbirth?

If you are planning breastfeeding, you should eat more often than usual. After all, in order for a child to develop perfectly and weigh in accordance with his age, you already need to organize meals on the first day after birth so that at least 800 additional kilocalories per day enter your diet. But do not overuse excessively fatty foods: this can lead to a digestive disorder. Basically, the mother's nutrition in the first days after childbirth should look something like this:

  1. Do not deny yourself chicken broth, but it is desirable that it was secondary.
  2. As an energy source, considering food in the first days after birth, it's good to include buckwheat porridge in vegetable oil and boiled low-fat beef in the menu.
  3. As a dessert, it is permissible to treat yourself to 50 g of low-fat cheese and biscuits, and from drinks ideal sweetened green tea and rose hips infusion.
  4. Be sure to drink about two liters of liquid per day: this will ensure a sufficient supply of milk. This can include a compote of dried fruits, soup, tea, milk and kefir (but they must be administered with caution, since sometimes they contribute to the development of colic ).

As for the products that need to be removed from the nutrition of the nursing mother in the first days after birth, chocolate, smoked products, strong black tea, coffee, fried and salted dishes are among them.