How much you can not have sex after giving birth?

Intimate communication after childbirth, as is known, is prohibited for a certain period of time. However, not all young mothers clearly imagine how much you can not have sex after a recent birth. Let's try to deal with this issue and talk about how to properly have sex after childbirth.

Through what time it is possible to renew intimate relations after childbirth?

First of all, it should be noted that regardless of how the birth process took place, whether there were postpartum complications , before the renewal of sexual relations a woman should definitely consult a doctor. It is the specialist who will inspect the reproductive system and can give an opinion about her condition.

If we talk specifically about how long it is impossible to have sex after childbirth, then doctors usually answer this question 4-6 weeks. This is the time it takes for the primary recovery of the uterus. This period is characterized by bloody discharge, which in medicine is called lochia.

Sex at this time is strictly prohibited. The thing is, when making love during this period, there is a great chance of bringing an infection that will provoke the development of the inflammatory process in the woman's reproductive system.

In addition, it should be noted that during sex during the recovery period, uterine bleeding can develop, which is provoked by the stretching of the vaginal muscles.

What determines the length of the recovery period?

Talking about how much you can have sex after giving birth, doctors also take into account the fact that this was a natural delivery, or it was done by a cesarean section .

The thing is that with the 2 types of delivery, the recovery process takes place at different rates. After natural childbirth, in which no breaks in the perineum were observed, it takes 4-6 weeks to restore the tissues of the vagina and perineum.

If the delivery was performed by caesarean section or there were gaps, resulting in an episiotomy, tissue regeneration takes up to 3 months.

Features of having sex after childbirth

After the woman receives permission from the doctor after the examination, you can resume sexual activity. In this case, it is necessary to take into account some features.

First, a man should be careful with his woman. Rude sex is unacceptable. It is necessary to choose those postures that exclude deep penetration of the penis.

Secondly, the frequency of sexual intercourse during the recovery period after the birth of a child should also be taken into account.

Separately, it must be said that after the birth, the quality of sex can change. This is especially noticeable to spouses whose wives have had an episiotomy. After the restoration of all tissues of the vagina, there may be a violation of its folding, which indirectly affects the sensations during sexual intercourse.

Often, women are interested in the question of whether it is possible to engage in oral sex after childbirth. Relatively to this type of intimate communication, doctors usually remain silent, because he is in no way connected with the recovery period occurring in the woman's reproductive system.

Thus, I would like to note once again that the fact that it is possible to have sex after childbirth should be established exclusively by the doctor after the examination of the woman in the gynecological chair. In this case, the woman should strictly follow the instructions and recommendations of the gynecologist. This will avoid complications that can arise in the form of inflammatory diseases and infectious processes.