Bleeding after childbirth

Postpartum bleeding is a normal, naturally conditioned process that allows the uterus to completely get rid of the afterbirth, the remnants of the placenta and lochi. But this only happens if it is not accompanied by pain, purulent secretions, has a short nature and does not cause concern to a woman. If bleeding after delivery is profuse and painful, then it is worthwhile to attract the attention of medical personnel in a hospital environment or contact a gynecologist if the mother is at home.

Causes of bleeding after childbirth

Factors that provoke severe bleeding after childbirth, there are a huge number. Here are the most common practices in a midwife:

Signs of bleeding after childbirth

The symptoms of uterine bleeding and their intensity directly depend on the amount of blood loss the woman is carrying. The absence of a reaction of the uterus to the drugs used leads to the fact that there is an abundant loss of blood, which may in some places cease from the temporary influence of medicines. As a rule, the patient experiences hypotension, tachycardia and blanching of the skin.

The case in which bleeding after childbirth resumed in the late period of rehabilitation can be characterized by the presence of bright red bloody discharge, abundant and prolonged discharge of lochia , which unpleasantly smell, with pains in the lower abdomen.

There are medicamental and operational methods of stopping blood loss. To stimulate the activity of the uterus to increase the contractions, the woman is injected with uterotonic drugs and prostaglandins into the cervix. Also, a local external muscle massage and an icy compress on the abdomen are possible.

Uterine bleeding after delivery, which arose as a result of a rupture during delivery of the genital organ, vagina or perineum, requires immediate suturing. The remains of a tightly attached placental organ are removed manually. The rupture of the walls of the uterus sometimes leads to its removal or, if this is possible, the place of deformation is sutured.

Any method is necessarily accompanied by the introduction of drugs that restore blood loss, a transfusion of donor blood and plasma.

How long does it take to bleed after delivery?

The rule of stopping the "smear" is a few weeks from the birth of the child, but even if you observe bleeding a month after the birth, do not worry much. Perhaps the uterus just did not have time to completely clear. Bleeding at 2 months after childbirth signals the presence of an inflammatory process and requires an immediate appeal to a specialist.

Bleeding after childbirth and sex

Hurry with the onset of sexual relations can cause increased or recurrence of blood. This is also facilitated by the presence of untreated erosive processes on the cervix. Follow the recommendations of the doctor and start sexually only when fully recovered.

The duration of bleeding after childbirth in all women is completely different, as well as the causes that cause it. Therefore, do not ignore the presence of excreta, consult your doctor and take necessary studies.