How long does the caesarean section last?

Starting at week 38, pregnancy is already terminated. It is from this moment on that the woman begins to prepare for the process of the baby's appearance. However, not all women can survive natural childbirth. Therefore, for a number of reasons, a cesarean section is prescribed . An example of indications for its conduct may be a clinical narrow pelvis, weakness of labor, premature detachment of the placenta, etc.

What is a Caesarian section?

This surgical intervention involves cutting the anterior abdominal wall, through which the fetus is removed from the mother's womb. In addition, during this operation, the integrity of the uterus is also broken, cutting its wall.

After successful surgical intervention, surgeons repair the reproductive organ and the walls of the abdominal cavity, sewing them with special threads.

What is the duration of this operation?

The question of how long it lasts for a cesarean section is of interest to women yet, as a rule, at the stage of preparation for a planned operation. A single-valued answer to it can not be given, since the duration of such surgical intervention depends on many factors. If you try to say how many times the operation is performed by cesarean section, then on average it takes from 25 minutes to 2 hours.

So, first of all, the professionalism of the surgeon is determined not only by the fact, how long the operation will last Cesarean section, but also the goodness of its outcome. As in any specialty, skill comes with experience. Consequently, the more the surgeon has on account of such operations, the less time they take, because Gradually, all actions are honed, almost to automatism.

Also, the fact how many times the operation is performed by cesarean depends also on the type of pregnancy. So when multiple pregnancies (2 or more fetuses) it takes at least 1 hour. Duration can be increased and also by the fact that the fetus is located incorrectly, i.e. has an incorrect presentation. So, for example, with pelvic presentation (when the toe of the baby is facing the entrance to the small pelvis), the doctor, before removing the baby, it is necessary to ensure that the baby's pelvis, together with the legs, is outside the bones of the mother's pelvis. For this, as a rule, a wider cross-section is required, which also takes a certain amount of time.

How long does it take to repeat cesarean section?

Like any cavitary operation, cesarean section, a kind of stress for the woman's body. At the same time, blood loss during such a surgical intervention is about 350 ml. In addition, there is damage to the tissues of the abdominal cavity and often the organs in it are located.

These factors undoubtedly have an effect on the body. Therefore, the duration of a second cesarean can be longer, which is due to a number of processes. So, for example, the existing adhesions formed after the first surgical intervention can severely restrict access to the uterus. Therefore, the surgeon will need more time than usual.

From this it follows that the duration of the reoperation depends in part on how much the woman has in the history of surgical interventions.

Thus, even experienced surgeons sometimes find it difficult to predict the duration of an operation by caesarean section. That is why the anesthesia doctor is constantly present during the operation, and is in a state of readiness, in order to increase the dose of anesthetic if necessary, and thereby prolong the presence of a woman in a state of anesthesia.