Diseases of undulating parrots - symptoms

Diseases in undulating parrot buds can arise for a number of different reasons, however, as it is not sad, they often arise due to the fault of the owners. Incorrect feeding, nursing, living conditions can serve to develop quite unpleasant diseases in undulating parrots. In this article we will consider such diseases as molting, colds, worms, mites, as well as the symptoms of these diseases.

Symptoms of molting in undulating parrots

In fact, molting in an undulating parrot is an ordinary periodic change of the pen, which is due to physiological features. However, sometimes this can be a symptom of a serious illness. The usual molting of a wavy parrot lasts about 1.5-2 months. Symptoms of this process are straight for face - feathers fall out. But past this parrot can look depressed and dejected. And of course, in appearance in this period, he will, as it were, be slightly shabby. But after the old feathers are replaced by new ones, he will be a real fluffy handsome man. Often during a moult, wavy parrots can pull out new, growing feathers. These are just the symptoms of itching, which occurs as a result of the growth of new feathers. In this period, take care of the reception of your parrot baths and minerals.

Symptoms of colds in undulating parrots

Parrots are very susceptible to temperature changes and do not tolerate drafts. The normal temperature for the parrot is 22-25 ° C. Symptoms of colds in wavy parrot buds are difficult not to notice. The parrot sneezes, shivering, trembling, the mucous membrane of the nose and mouth becomes inflamed red. Cold paroxysmal parrots quickly lose heat, the first symptom is a small tremor. Then the parakeet should be heated with an incandescent lamp, but do not overdo it. It is also recommended to add a camomile to the parrot's drinking bowl. But do not forget that all these methods are the ways of first aid. If you notice such symptoms in the bird immediately carry her to the doctor.

Symptoms of worms in undulating parrots

Worms for the parrot are quite serious threat. In particularly neglected cases, this can lead to the death of a bird. Symptoms: loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss, diarrhea. The bird can get infected during the interaction with the soil, grass. But even being constantly in the cage, the possibility of infection is not completely excluded. Eggs of helminths can be found in twigs that you bring from the street or on your clothes. Worms in undulating parrots may also occur in case of transmission from other pets. If you notice the first symptoms of infection, contact the ornithologist immediately.

Symptoms of ticks in undulating parrots

Another unpleasant disease, but quite common in wavy parrots is kemidokoptoz (tick). Symptoms of this disease may not manifest immediately. It also happens that a wavy parrot can live very long in a cage and at the same time be absolutely healthy, and at the moment of weakening of the immune system, the symptoms of a tick will appear. Where did he come from? - you ask. Yes, everything is extremely simple! In the pet store, no one conducts a medical examination of birds and the presence of a tick may simply not be noticed. And if you consider that a personal cage is rarely singled out to the bird, it is not surprising that the remaining wavy parrots are infected with a tick. So, let's talk about the symptoms. Symptoms of tick appearance in undulating parrots include: the defeat of skin areas on which there are no feathers, for example, the beak and legs, in case of neglected cases, more eyelids and cloaca are affected. Self-medication is not recommended. The bird must be shown to the doctor.